Dumb Bum Stories

group of us were leaving a car park and a female bum asked my mate if he could spare any change

he said "sorry love i've only got fifties"

oh how we laughed
being chased around was pretty crazy. the first one was just funny. and im well aware of the nature of bums.

hows this for crazy then. while in the waiting room at a hospital, a bum keeps staring me down. finally starts yelling at the top of his lungs that he knows me and that i need to stop harassing him everywhere he goes. calls me some kind of a cult leader (which makes everyone start giving me awesome stares)...then proceeds to piss all over himself while mean-mugging me. then security came and took him into the back.

much crazier
i have a wealthy friend who burned a $20 in front of a bum

i was probably angrier than the bum

curse the half jew blood
When I was like 15 I was coming home really late on the train in New York City and there was this particularly disgusting bum on the train sitting across from me.

It was late, so there was very few people on the train, coming and going as we rode.

This disgusting, piss-smelling waste of a human being basically stunk up the whole car, and for like 15 stops I just watched this person bobbing around as the train lurched back and forth. I wondered just what kind of human being would allow themselves to devolve to such a disgusting, reprehensible state.

As the train pulled up to Avenue J, I got up getting ready to exit. As the doors opened, I don't know what came over me really... but I looked down at the slobbering, disgusting bum, and I just kicked him in the face as I walked out the door of the train. I just kept walking like nothing happened.

It was a pretty fucked up thing to do... but every time I look back on it I have to laugh, cuz can you imagine riding along sleeping on the train, and all of a sudden BONNNNGG!!!! something smashes your face and you wake up looking around, but nobody is in the train car but you?

On a related note, I'm probably going to hell for a lot of things I did growing up. :ugh:
i was born in 1984

i have met vietnam vets who are younger than i am

U.S. military involvement ended on 15 August 1973 as a result of the Case–Church Amendment passed by the U.S. Congress.[28] The capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese army in April 1975 marked the end of the Vietnam War.

May have been stationed out there, but certainly did not fight in the war :)
I don't think you simply missing the point of a post necessarily means the post was trolling you.

Just sayin.
One time a bum was begging outside of the Rogers Center holding a 'I'm Hungry, Can you spare some change' sign.

I gave him the 3/4 bag of popcorn I had left and he freaked the fuck out and started yelling at me and threw the bag of popcorn.

I have never given anything to a bum since. He ruined it for the rest of them.
We were somewhere in the US, El Paso I think, and some bum that we already gave change to asked us for a quarter...

I will offer to take them and get them a warm meal and/or a coffee. They never accept so it's a win-win situation.
A while back me and some friends went to get some pizza after a night of drinking at this place that's open all night. As we are standing outside (it's just like a walk-up window) this guy comes up to us and starts rapping about random shit, wearing like an Egyptian headdress (think king tut) thing.

It was interesting.
gas if you've never 'hustled' anyone by begging for money before.

There is a spot in Charlotte NC that if you go there dressed for telemarketing work and hold a sign saying "need gas to get to work anything helps god bless", and if you do that you will make over $100 in a few hours...

I had a job and still did that a few weekends catching the out of town traffic headed to the Panthers nfl games...
There is a spot in Charlotte NC that if you go there dressed for telemarketing work and hold a sign saying "need gas to get to work anything helps god bless", and if you do that you will make over $100 in a few hours...

I had a job and still did that a few weekends catching the out of town traffic headed to the Panthers nfl games...

This helped your cause on TW not very much at all.
I may be late to point this out, but I guarantee you didn't say any of what you claimed to say in that dialogue.
lol tehvul used those little mexican buses to get around

the ones that are full of illegals, bums and cholos traveling around LA, chihuaha, and phx

what a poor spic faggot lmao
lol tehvul used those little mexican buses to get around

the ones that are full of illegals, bums and cholos traveling around LA, chihuaha, and phx

what a poor spic faggot lmao

It's a lot easier to take vials of LSD to Florida from San Francisco that way. They only care if you have a ticket. Once you show them your ticket you are cool with the driver.

I used to kick back on the bus listening to my Blackberry, and fantasizing about the hottie fresh from mexico that is always on a bus like that. That is until her face would start to melt.

But on the real. Everybody needs to stop being fucked up to those who have nothing. No matter the reason they are in the position they are in they are still human. Just because some of us have money doesn't mean we are any better or happier than the less fortunate. I help people all the time with some change or a couple dollars. If they went and bought a pack of cheap smokes and a beer with the money so what. At least I know that I made someones day a little brighter.