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  1. N

    friend's stupid dog ate...break fluid?

    over msn: "FUCK this dog is so STUPID she gets into everything! she got a tube of anti-seize compound, like for brakes and stuff. IF SHE DIES I'M GOING TO BE SO MAD." apparently the package says "if ingested do not induce vomiting" why would it say that? what harm could come from...
  2. N

    [TW Doctors] Dark green vomit

    I've eaten like shit the last 24 hours, which is probably related, my only meal today has been some black coffee and chinese food. that came up earlier tonight, but now on an empty stomach the vomit is dark green and very liquidly (been drinking water) Going to the clinic tomorrow if it...
  3. N

    wtf, zombie sheep movie? Seriously, I don't know what the hell is going on. Trailer looks ridiculous.
  4. N

    Getting internet [old house: party line]

    a friend of mine lives with her grandma, who has apparently owned a house since alexander graham bell was kicking around, and some how, even though she lives in a pretty big city, she has a party line. [kiddies: a party line is a single phone # shared by a few houses, back when it was...
  5. N

    Game show tryouts?

    I got a casting call for a gameshow on canadian tv called "You Bet Your Ass" I've only seen maybe two episodes, it seems like mostly easy pop culture trivia and a smaller prize because they're a smaller show. ($1000? I don't remember) Could still be fun though. Is there anything I should...
  6. N

    Pink Floyd Covers

    so a while ago I came across this Foo Fighters cover of "Have a Cigar" that really kicks ass. I've been in a bit of a Pink Floyd mood recently, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish you were Here and The Wall are basicly on repeat for the next little while. But this Foo Fighters cover kicks some ass...
  7. N

    system crashing, graphics card?

    I had my graphics card replaced in december because it was busted (fan stopped working, overheated, computer wouldn't stay on.) they replaced it with the same model 9800Pro. I get these weird and seemingly random crashes where black scrambled shit will appear in the top corner of my screen...
  8. N

    strep throat

    it hurts to eat solid food. or...anything for that matter, but I haven't had anything but apple sauce and tea all day. I need something that's food. sugguestions? hard cocks are solid, and therefore not an option. same goes for sandpaper.
  9. N

    [SNES] I heart Super Metroid

    I finally found the last missle pack today. just dug up the SNES a while ago and remembered how awesome this game is. Gonna try to do it in less then three hours sometime soon methinks. Super Mario RPG is a blast too. :)
  10. N

    [[so][advice]] I was robbed last night

    my roommates and I were out at the bar and some fine gentlemen broke in through our window. stole two laptops (powerbooks) a digital camera annnd...about 150 or so DVDs and XBox games. They also picked and choose through my roommate's CDs. They didn't actually go through MY room (I actually...
  11. N

    what DPI are professional things printed at?

    I have a feeling it's either 150 or 300 for some reason, but I need to know for sure. Like a CD cover and booklet. What would it be printed at if it was done professionally?
  12. N

    tooo dunrk to type

    OMG TRIBAL WAR: two wtords: epic. tits. she almost knocjed me unconcous wuith them. no pics. dammit. if you cannot dance, bbooze + a girl who can. and ten you're fine. Thank you tribal war. you are awesomee! [thusms up]
  13. N

    need advice (building a computer)

    I’m looking to build a computer for myself but have never done so before (closest I’ve come is a modem install for a friend.) I have a budget of about $3000 Canadian (almost $2300 USD) and figure I’ll be saving a lot by doing it myself rather then buying something pre-built. If push comes to...