Pink Floyd Covers


Veteran X
so a while ago I came across this Foo Fighters cover of "Have a Cigar" that really kicks ass. I've been in a bit of a Pink Floyd mood recently, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish you were Here and The Wall are basicly on repeat for the next little while.

But this Foo Fighters cover kicks some ass. Is there anything else like this I'm not aware of?
Radiohead are my favorite band, but that cover sucks ass, imo, and the Incubus song isn't even a cover.
i really can't listen to much of The Wall anymore. So much of it is just pretentious and poor. There are some amazing songs, but as an album it just does nothing for me.
Cuthbert said:
i really can't listen to much of The Wall anymore. So much of it is just pretentious and poor. There are some amazing songs, but as an album it just does nothing for me.
and what is its pretense? it was made in the 70s and no one else had done anything like it? Please explain what is pretentious?
Nomad said:
and what is its pretense? it was made in the 70s and no one else had done anything like it? Please explain what is pretentious?

It's just far too melodramatic for me. Tracks like "The Trial" and "One of My Turns" just scream of Roger Water's repressions and personal difficulties. I'm well aware that the entire point of the album is an exploration of his own alienation, and that's fine, but I just think the music suffers because of it. It's interesting to listen to, but as far as 'enjoyment' and my musical appreciation go, I think it's really overrated. As I say, some great tracks, and an 'interesting' piece, but ultimately I think it is too bogged down in Waters' psyche to achieve it's musical potential. It's too long with not enough variation and depth to really grab me.

I think DSOTM was their pinnacle, and is my absolute favourite album of all time. I'm a huge fan, and enjoyed all their albums (though not really Piper) including the Wall until a few years ago; I just got burned out on it.

Wierdly, I like The Final Cut more, and that's even more waters-psychotic-depression. so there must be something else about The Wall that turns me off too.

A classic album for sure; an original experiment. I just don't like it all that much.
I quite liked the Scissor Sisters version of Comfortably Numb.. I appreciate that they took a song and did something very different with it. That's what covers should be if you're anything other than a local cover band. Take something and make it your own.