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  1. B

    Today on "Nature"

    Today on Nature we study the human being. There are about 10 species of human being, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Human beings come in varying shapes and sizes, and varying levels of intelligence. The European White: First of all we have the european white. Today they...
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    The day I realized WoW is for queers.

    So, like many of you, I'm a college student who used to spend alot of time in front my computer screen, being fascinated with purples and +Spell Damage and alot of other pre contrived Warcraft shit. I also had alot of "friends" that I made, that was clearly the best part of the game. Talking...
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    WTS 60 Priest

    well the time has come for me to sell price is steep, i know, but my friend recently got the same price for his similarly geared warrior, so i decided to give it a shot. also, you have no idea how many mages/locks i had to fight with to get this gear :P...
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    host for wow movie?

    hey, i was wondering if any of you guys knew a good place to host a couple of wow movies i made there are 2 of them, each is about 70mb in size. ne priest 550 spell damage thanks :hurry:
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    wow SUCKS ass... how you people play anymore is beyond me

    so at level 60 there are basically 2 parts. raiding, or pvp. mind you i have 80 days played on my priest alone (more on others). my priest is my main. i have 550 + shadow damage on him, lok'amir, exalted in all 3 bg's, etc. completely decked out from bwl/aq. now as far as raiding goes...
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    ok, so here's the story. my guild has had razorgore on farm for 2+ months now, and we've been slowly working through BWL recently we've been getting some attempts in on Chromaggus, but not without wiping 4-6 times on Razorgore. we HAD the fucker on farm, then all of the sudden he just got...
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    Serenity Now

    This video was posted on my guild's forums: Pretty hilarious if you ask me. GJ if any of you TW'ers were involved :P
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    [help]French Rap

    so i was listening to this google video off the google thread, and i couldnt help but fall in love with the french rap thats played throughout that movie.. anyone know the names of some of those songs? or like, any other good...
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    Best AB flag defenders

    Just curious what class you guys think can hold a flag the best in AB. I'd probably say 1. Mages 2. Paladins 3. Hunters.
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    The problem with caster itemization.

    Intellect/Spirit vs. Agility/Strength Intellect - Increases your mana pool, 100 int = 1% chance to crit. Spirit - Increases your mana regen when not casting a spell. ---------------------------------------- Agility - Increases armor, attack power, dodge, crit%, ranged crit%, am I missing...
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    Eye of Shadow prices

    With the drop rate raised significantly, what do you expect the price will be on these things in a couple of weeks?
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    What the fuck

    Why don't we get honor for healing in PvP? That's all I fucking do and I never get rewarded for it. I heard it was coming out but I don't see this shit in the test notes. When is this slated to happen?
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    anyone take a computer science course before?

    if so, how did you pass it? i'm very new to this whole programming thing. my class revolves around the C language, which i understand is the most basic of them all. however my teacher is an off the boat asian who probably knows C better than he knows english. is there any 'easy' way to...
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    Anyone on Archimonde Alliance?

    Hey fellow TWers, I'm in the process of looking for a guild... I play on Archi alliance, just wondering if anyone here is in a larger guild that consistently raids... I know 'kyuss' and people are on Archimonde but on Horde side... Race - Night Elf Class - Priest Level - 57 Yes I know I can...
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    Best places to grind 54-60(PvP server)

    I'm on Archimonde alliance which supposedly has a close to equal H/A ratio with the slight advantage to the horde. I play a level 54 shadow priest. The horde on Archimonde are very obnoxious alot of the time and will gank without hesitation. Being a priest, even shadow specced, I'm pretty...
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    [vid]hot ass bitch rippin a ferrari! definetely my type of girl :sex: gotta love bitches that know how to drive :lol:
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    [sound clip]anyone ever hear this? lol

    randomly browsing wow forums, came across this clip: apparently this guy is bitching about some virtual item that he lost :lol: dont know if its ofn, but made me :rofl: irl
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    quick strike ring ------> warrior

    tonight a warrior from my guild got this ring. is it just me, or is this clearly a rogue item? warriors should be going after +def +dodge parry gear, not fucking rogue shit. am i right to bitch about this?
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    Photoshop this homo
