anyone take a computer science course before?


Veteran X
if so, how did you pass it? i'm very new to this whole programming thing. my class revolves around the C language, which i understand is the most basic of them all.

however my teacher is an off the boat asian who probably knows C better than he knows english.

is there any 'easy' way to learn this shit? or am i gonna have to struggle with the textbook to get myself a good grade..
If it's an intro programming course, it's probably going to be really simplistic. Get a "Teach Yourself C" or "C for Dummies" book, something like that, and supplement the class with that.
fb said:
If it's an intro programming course, it's probably going to be really simplistic. Get a "Teach Yourself C" or "C for Dummies" book, something like that, and supplement the class with that.

its not intro to programming, the official name is "computer science I"..

i would take intro to programming but i'm pretty confident it would be a waste of money/time... as most of the stuff in those types of classes are very redundant.

i guess i could get one of those books, but some of them are 100000 pages and not very well organized. any specific reccomendations?
Using C++: An Introduction to Programming: Second Edition
Hennefield, Baker, Burchard

It was my textbook for my C++ class last spring. Well done, even though I already knew most of the material. Should help a newbie out pretty well.

I took an intro to programming course in college

dropped it 6 weeks later

I spent like 9 hours writing a program that converted decimals into roman numerals....and I sat there and though "fuck this shit, I don't wanna do this with my life"
Special---K said:

I took an intro to programming course in college

dropped it 6 weeks later

I spent like 9 hours writing a program that converted decimals into roman numerals....and I sat there and though "fuck this shit, I don't wanna do this with my life"

jesus. so what did you end up doing?
Programming comes down to:
Using the language library (ex: priting a string using the C Library)
If statments
Input/Output processing
Making your own classes (Object Oriented programs)

If you can get those down (Pretty much in that order of significance) you should be doing pretty good.
[Ms] iNsAnE said:
Programming comes down to:
Using the language library (ex: priting a string using the C Library)
If statments
Input/Output processing
Making your own classes (Object Oriented programs)

If you can get those down (Pretty much in that order of significance) you should be doing pretty good.

alright. i will look at that when we start getting material. class just ended so ill get back to this thread when i get home.
xpdnc said:
same...i made it through 3 classes and gave up
I tried for the full semester, but I discovered at the end of the semester that I didn't know anything.

I like diagnosing and fixing things goddamnit. I'm not into the whole creating things stuff
Vlasic said:
I tried for the full semester, but I discovered at the end of the semester that I didn't know anything.

I like diagnosing and fixing things goddamnit. I'm not into the whole creating things stuff

no, i meant that i took 3 courses before i gave up

i was hard-headed and kept managing to pass despite not actually knowing anything
Kerosene31 said:
No. You learn programming by doing it. Not by reading about it.

Some people "get it" others don't.

Real shit right there. If you can't figure it out on your own, it's not something you should be doing.

If programming is just a career choice, there will be people better and more motivated then you.