anyone take a computer science course before?

I used to be interested in cryptology, then I got bored of it.

I'm looking at financial models now, taking a graduate level class next sem on math of derivitive securities.
In my opinion (which is a helluva dangerous thing to say on TW I realize), you only need C because you will at some point need to use existing C libraries. Other than that, you should start with C++ and get used to the OO concepts.

disclaimer: they didn't have C++ when I went to university

Lots of good advice in this thread, really, just try it - if you can't spend hours at home playing around with code at your stage in the game, then you don't want it as a career. Or maybe you do, if you are the type that can take a job they don't enjoy, you can certainly make good money.

In regards to the comments about advanced math and physics, any complicated (real life $$) coding will hit one or the other.

Finally, game programming doesn't usually pay the big bucks, go into analysis.

Best of luck.
again, many thanks for everyones help

Yes, I am 16, I'm taking Computing, Further Maths (2 A-Levels), Physics and pop music at college, as well as getting in all and every enrichment thing I can. I have spent whole nights coding, and I remember one where I just rewrote a game using classes, and a more modular fashion that allowed me to add "items" much easier (VBScript controls) - the end result was the same, but I was still very happy.

I love maths, and I love physics as well. I've always been very good at the academic side of things, and I'm hoping to get 5 A A-levels and be on my way to a top uni, such as cambridge.

If anyone has any thoughts on computer science vs Recreational Computing (look it up, it seems very interesting), then I'd love to hear them. Thanks Guys :sunny:
I took an intro computer programming class that tought you how to program in Scheme. Practically no one uses the language but I really liked it. I would never go on and do regular programming though.
I was doing a BSc(Comp Sci) at uni for a few years.. got a job as part of the course and am still with that company (kinda) now, never got around to finishing it.

I went back at one point, but was disgusted by the fact that some of the lecturers were actually asking me for help, and didn't go back. I'm not a programmer - I went more a networking/sysadmin type roll. However, one thing that I did pick up from doing the degree was an understanding of the concepts of programming, which is really probably the most valuable thing - understand how to piece together a program to do what you need at a higher level - program design, rather than coding. Once you know what you want to do, it goes to coding and picking up the syntax of whateveer language is being used. You won't remember that unless you use it regularly. I've studied more languages than I can remember the names of, and I remember only bits and pieces of the actual syntax. But it's the concepts that you retain.. looping, boolean tests, classes, all that sort of stuff.

As a result, I can debug code pretty well - I can look at code, work out what it's doing and how it's doing it, then with maybe a little reference find the syntax I need to get it to work how I want it. Coding from scratch takes a little more work.

What it really comes down to though, is as people have said: If you're genuinely interested in the stuff, then you can do well. If you're just doing it 'because', and are struggling through, then a career in programming might not be for you, but that's something you've got to decide for yourself. One of the guys that works here is a Perl guru, on damn good pay. He's like that because it's what he does. He goes home and 'plays' by writing new programs.. wrote a bittorrent proxy, for example. The guy hasn't studied anything officially. In fact, he never even finished high school.

He's just interested in what he does, and enjoys his work.
dont read a book to learn..

If its a C class that isn't an intro class but also isn't advanced its probably a data structures class.

Just make a program that implements a linked list where you can take input/output and you'll learn the basics much faster than reading from a book.
Grapefruit said:
dont read a book to learn..

If its a C class that isn't an intro class but also isn't advanced its probably a data structures class.

Just make a program that implements a linked list where you can take input/output and you'll learn the basics much faster than reading from a book.
My Data Structures class is in Java. No idea how that happened considering all the data structures are already there.