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  1. T

    Hey you old shitposters. Anything happen while I was gone?

    So apparently it's been just over 2 years since I even logged in, and coincidentally my account is about to hit 15 years tomorrow. Am I still just a Veteran^X? Is rayn still in charge? Did colosus ever lose weight? Is it about time for another UVALAN? what are you old faggots up to?
  2. T

    5-year-old girl in New Orleans dies from self-inflicted gunshot wound

    It's a good thing that little girl had a gun, otherwise her killer might still be alive today. 5-year-old girl in New Orleans dies from self-inflicted gunshot wound -
  3. T

    I have like 5 chicks fighting over me right now

    I have like 5 chicks that are all trying to get with me right now including a married woman who is like a perfect 10, a 21 year old with huge tits who gave me her v card, a 19 year old asian girl who wants to give me her v card, my ex gfs best friend wants to suck my dick. the fifth is just a...
  4. T

    You can't take away guns, because they are here to protect our liberties.

    The only amendment from the bill of rights that is still standing strong is #3. thank god our gun owning patriots have stopped this oppressive nanny state government from quartering troops in our private homes during times of peace. :lol: I wonder how the NRA feels when they realize that...
  5. T

    Hey Goshin

    I think you are a pretty cool guy and if you ever come up to DC I will buy you a beer and we can bemoan the sad state of NASA together and talk like rockets and lasers and stuff. so come to DC. also I will suck your dick nigga.
  6. T

    hey fags, why isn't there a wiki for the tribes universe

    I used to remember back in the day that the tribes universe had fucking epic backstory and shit, about how this tribe was formed, and that tribe was formed, and basically an unbroken timeline going from pre-earthsiege through tribes 2 and all that jazz. that shit was awesome. and it had a lot...
  7. T

    can we have a ban poll?

    and make every option tehvul? I drop in every once in a blue moon when there's nothing else on the internet left to do and my dick is too sore to jerk off again. Without fail, there's ALWAYS a thread full of tehvul spouting some stupid white trash bullshit about some stupid fucking drama about...
  8. T

    so wait, if r. kelly didn't go to jail for fucking a 13 year old

    you remember, when he peed on that girl in his sextape, but he got cleared of all charges because they couldn't prove the girl in the video was underage or something since r kelly had this video in his possession, and didn't get convicted of child pornography does that therefore mean that this...
  9. T

    Happy Mothers Day!

    God, was I frustrated. I just got home from a wedding reception. My best friend just got married. The beer was flowing, the music blaring, and the ladies all looked great. Especially Carrie. I spent the last two hours dancing every dance with her. She is drop dead gorgeous. Long brown hair...
  10. T

    wait so boomofo left?

    if you all had gotten rid of him 7 years ago, then maybe some of the intelligent and worthwhile posters would've stuck around instead of abandoning this place to a rampant horde of shitposting trolls that encouraged each other, and fed off the popularity of loudmouth bigheads and circle jerking...
  11. T

    WTB: 1 lagber, used.

  12. T

    Justin Bieber - Gangstas Paradise [lolwat]

    Justin Bieber - Gangstas Paradise
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  14. T

    [Petition] Max 3 threads on the front page per user

    tired of logging in and every thread on the front page is from Fngr or Zoph. make it so they have to wait for one of their shitty threads to drop to page 2 before they can start a new one.
  15. T

    Hamlet Starring Dr. Who and Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise

    1geIIDdrV7c FULL PRODUCTION Hamlet: Watch the Film | Great Performances | PBS I would have sex with patrick stewart. But not david tennant, because that would be gay.
  16. T

    don't post in my thread

    shut up and go away. this is my thread.
  17. T

    A true confession, from Tribalbob

    Last summer, I engaged in anal sex with another TW member. it was fantastic. afterwards, they called me a faggot. we don't talk anymore. this is all 100% true.
  18. T

    i'm a better person than lindsey lohan

    given that she is a convicted felon drug addict who served jailtime. but she's the one who is rich and famous and attractive and succesful. wtf god. wtf. maybe if I start sucking dicks, driving drunk, and doing coke, god will reward me with fame and success and good looks and peoples love.
  19. T

    Going Postal [Discworld] [Movie]

    is great. it aired like a week ago in the UK, but is now in [stores.] It far surpasses the Hogfather film. and the story seems better suited to motion picture format than Colour of Magic was. excellent cast all around, reasonable special effects. would recommend.
  20. T

    Get Him To The Greek

    go see it. holy fuck. p.s. that is my professional blockbuster employee opinion.