Woah this place is still here!!

before old schoolers freak out about LT -- for over a decade it has kept t1 alive because of lower player counts, 10v10 became untenable owing to the paucity of players

base would be amazing for a reunion. need #s though

Not to be an ass but what is so great about keeping a game "alive"?
Not to be an ass but what is so great about keeping a game "alive"?

people enjoy(ed) playing tribes so they adapted the game to adjust to the lower player base. adapting the game to lt allowed those people who loved playing tribes to keep playing it for quite a bit longer than if everyone had just thrown in the towel and said tribes was dead. i quit back in 03 and then never played again until 2016 but i actually found lt to be a lot of fun (though not as fun as base). i think if people hated the game but felt like they had to keep it alive because they somehow "owed" it to the game, that would be stupid.
we play



and with headphones

it is easier to use coms

if I type

with more whitespace

will it make sense?

So you guys sit at matching computer desks, with your matching PCs, matching headsets, and matching tattoos...using discord to talk to each other. That's normal. Totally.
No, we sit at our different desks in our home office on different computers playing games (that is when we play together) and decide to use voice coms without shouting to each other.

I'm sorry that your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend/farm animal doesn't share similar hobbies with you.

then again your life is a bowl of shit so...
It's not here for long, you can view and read the stickies at your leisure.

As far as GC, as lemon has said, it does revolve around me and what I do.
I'm the last old-school Triber here, although Fool is close. . the rest are all gone.

Forum has been taken over by tiki-torch bannering dipshits, calling every non-white male person a racist, and they have driven it into the ground. Nobody wants to advertise here anymore and the gnats circling the drain are a source of amusement.

I know Rayn has a soft date on which he's going to pull the plug, but he's not shared when that will be.

I was playing T1 while you were sitting in your government subsidized housing in a drunken stupor. I also hosted the most popular T1 (and T2) west coast server remotelabs.

And when you say "calling every non-white male person a racist" that means you, you racist fucktard.
No, we sit at our different desks in our home office on different computers playing games (that is when we play together) and decide to use voice coms without shouting to each other.

I'm sorry that your wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend/farm animal doesn't share similar hobbies with you.

then again your life is a bowl of shit so...

No wonder your wife cheated on you.
I wet the hole. And while we have many tattoos, we have one that matches, sort of, ...but we also got necklaces of each other's name.

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