Woah this place is still here!!

Rayn just spent an entire weekend updating the backend and frontend software for TribalWar, but he definitely intends to shut it all down soon. He just wanted it to be super up to date and snappy and functional when he pulled the plug.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Welcome back, Excal. Don't mind Vanster, he's just losing his damn mind.
I actually pulled it off in about 2 hours 3AM - 5AM on a weekend morning. didn't even back up the database. I live dangerously! the latest db backup I have is from like 2016 and I've been running an offsite (my house) backup from a raspberry pi but I guess the db is so big that the job times out. I should really run that shit later.
How do you tell what number you joined? I think I joined around February 1999. Also most old timers will remember Candyman. Long time no see Candyman!

EDIT: Just found my join date. Says 2000. Guess I was off. Didn't this game come out in December of 1998?
How do you tell what number you joined? I think I joined around February 1999. Also most old timers will remember Candyman. Long time no see Candyman!

EDIT: Just found my join date. Says 2000. Guess I was off. Didn't this game come out in December of 1998?

Your profile page url has a number at the end, that's what number you were. I'm 696.
It's not here for long, you can view and read the stickies at your leisure.

As far as GC, as lemon has said, it does revolve around me and what I do.
I'm the last old-school Triber here, although Fool is close. . the rest are all gone.

Forum has been taken over by tiki-torch bannering dipshits, calling every non-white male person a racist, and they have driven it into the ground. Nobody wants to advertise here anymore and the gnats circling the drain are a source of amusement.

I know Rayn has a soft date on which he's going to pull the plug, but he's not shared when that will be.

yeah you are the last old school triber :lol:
this actually made me laugh

tbh I think he meant IRC but delusions and all etc.

unless he's blaming the demise of ICQ on TW as well as everything else that hurts his feels brah
I never did IRC except maybe once. I did have an ICQ number; it was like 6 digits so not very elite. I did discord a few times but it's basically the neediest retards of these forums and aside from one or two cool-ish people (groove? ok maybe one) it amazes me what people spend their time doing.

With that said I have more green rep than nearly every single one of you so fuck off and rep me.
discord sucks but it's all we have at this point. it's basically a shitty version of irc with built in voice comms (which is the only nice thing).

a few of us are trying to organize a t1 20th anniversary event/reunion for end of november or early december. right now the plan is just to get some sort of small LT tourney because that's all the current community can support. if enough people are interested getting together i would love to actually play some base.

we are primarily using the tribes talk discord to coordinate, Tribes Talk Discord if anyone is interested. This is also the primary discord for the people who still play t1 (maybe 80 people?).

people still playing t1 right now!!!
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before old schoolers freak out about LT -- for over a decade it has kept t1 alive because of lower player counts, 10v10 became untenable owing to the paucity of players

base would be amazing for a reunion. need #s though
preaching to the choir with that. i never played LT after base died and when i randomly reinstalled tribes in 2016 it's all that was left. i hope people are interested and we can get some sick base games going but until there's a better idea on what kind of turnout we might have the plan is to start with lt.