Whats for breakfast? fatboy edition

Mitch even given the fact I'm probably 20 years older than you I could still push you around in the gym or any place else. Just come to my place with your family. After 2 weeks of actual work your wife will think you are a man again. Your children will like you again and you will be in the best shape of your life. Is it that hard to believe someone that has taken their physical conditioning seriously for their entire life would still be in great condition?
5'8 230 can look a lot of different ways.

Here is a 5'8 255 build
Haha OK. No you couldn't. Your BMI is 35 - obese. Yeah I know those charts don't account for muscle mass but at 70+ most of that is gone.

Calling bullshit but keep trying.
For breakfast I pour a small amount of relatively healthy cereal into a bowl and add some milk.

Takes about 3 minutes.

God, I would love to see how that goes.

Mitchell, you do not want to fuck with SC. No matter what you can lift in the gym.
He would roll you over and brand your ass with an SCR* so fast your back wouldn't have a chance to spasm.

*Smiling Canadian Ranch
I'd do that. A bit early for me to partake of warm weather but maybe there will be a good show in town. I'm very sad I never got to see George Wallace in Vegas. Maybe Leno will be there then.
Again, based entirely on what he's posted on here with zero evidence. Do you still read the letters page in Penthouse mag too?
Skip eggs for breakfast do plain oatmeal then no sugar low carbs etc. Caloric intake has to be less than daily output to lose weight.

My 2c..
What if they're 34" sweat pants? Ever heard of elastic waistbands smart guy?

I doubt he emphasised the 34" pants part to actually highlight that he's sporting a 44" gutbucket wrapped in Juicy Couture. Could be wrong though :shrug: