Whats for breakfast? fatboy edition


Veteran XX
Trying to eat healthy, seems to be working. Dropping an average of 0.85 lb a day. Down 30 as of yesterday This is usually bfast every day.

4 egg whites, 1 whole egg
mini cup (57g) guacamole
2 strip turkey bacon
16oz green tea
1 tsp honey
1 tsp ACV

Macros are
Fat Carbs Prot Cals
16.25 11.58 37.27 350

This is a 'regular' day. Normally i follow an IF schedule and don't eat until 2pm during the week with last meal being by 6pm. On the weekends i relax on that schedule, not the food (no cheat days).
Average caloric intake for the day is anywhere from 950-1200/day. 2 days ago I did my first 24hr "fast". I have the " " because technically it wasn't a fast as i drank a couple diet mt dews instead of all water...but whatever.

god i miss pizza.

And this NEEDS to be said. Turkey Bacon is not bacon and should be stricken from the earth. If being healthy means i can't have bacon, then who the fuck wants to live a life like that anyway.
See that's better, don't be so angry. We can help. That's a good breakfast.

With you all the way on the turkey bacon. Lotsa that shit here for places that don't have a pork licence (yeah that's a thing). and IF is good, it works, but fucking properly hard.
"Being fat" is hardly the "worst" tw offense. But losing excess poundage is a good thing.


What about "fresh fruit" like a banana or orange for breakfast?

EDIT: And :lol: at Midxe for being in a "reasonable mood."
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someone basically eats 5 eggs for breakfast and wonders why they are fat?

hate to imagine what you would eat normally

just have an egg on toast or a bowl of cornflakes
someone basically eats 5 eggs for breakfast and wonders why they are fat?

hate to imagine what you would eat normally

just have an egg on toast or a bowl of cornflakes

Dood, what part of egg whites and 350 calories is confusing you?
"Being fat" is hardly the "worst" tw offense. But losing excess poundage is a good thing.


What about "fresh fruit" like a banana or orange for breakfast?

EDIT: And :lol: at Midxe for being in a "reasonable mood."

bananas are pure carbs...trying to stay away from that as much as possible

Oranges have fructose, still sugar, still makes your insulin spike, though is a tad bit better for you because of the fiber. I'll have one every great now and then, or possibly apple slices. Again, still sugar, but the fiber kind of offsets it in a way.
fatsos don't need all that protein it just gets converted to fat. if juggs is lifting that's one thing but i think he's just dieting so protein is largely unnecessary

im lifting and walking. I do 30mins of treadmill when i get up, about 35-45 minutes of weights every day. Then, because im working from home, my lunch is usually 30 mins on the treadmill, then another 30 when i get off work. Have a lot more energy since getting better sleep.
y not just eat 1 egg and cut the whites entirely it's still a ton to eat for breakfast
Because the protein satiates. Eating the whites still gets proteins without the added extra cholesterol and calories of the yolks. 1 egg and i'll be hungry in 2 hours. one of my omelets (with the guac to add good fats, fiber and protein) and im good for quite a while.
i'm thinking about meal prepping oatmeal and am not sure what kind of pan to use. i'm hoping to use maybe a gallon of milk per oatmeal run
oh good this is my favorite part of an episode of 90 day fiance

where the mail order wife puts the fatboy on a diet after getting sick of pretending to enjoy touching the client in exchange for citizenship and paying for their life/kids

im lifting and walking. I do 30mins of treadmill when i get up, about 35-45 minutes of weights every day. Then, because im working from home, my lunch is usually 30 mins on the treadmill, then another 30 when i get off work. Have a lot more energy since getting better sleep.

:lol: you do 3 to 4 separate 30 to 45 minute workouts a day? Even your lies are fucking dumb
ok well if ur working out fine eat whatever you want doesn't really matter

900 calories a day + exercise seems pretty aggressive seems like you'd be worn out all the time but idk