Whats for breakfast? fatboy edition

Spam. Fried slice of Spam.

Mmmm mmmm

Sushi Style
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have you ever eaten that barfed up mucus i saw on tv they eat for breakfast in japan

i don't remember what its called its like fermented beans and it just looks like a bowl of cum
natto is fuckin gross and it stinks so goddamn bad

i have forbade my gf from eating it
Let's get some clarification here. IF days? Every day? Regular days? Cheat days? Just what is going on here, Juggs?

Intermittent fasting days...which is every day. Break....Fast......which is eaten at 2pm. that is an example of what is eaten pretty much every day at Break.....Fast.

On the weekends i relax the schedule a little, I don't have first meal until like noon
You sit there and work it out punkin...get back to me with your findings later.

And by later I mean never and I don't care.
Then tell mom to get your backpack out and give you a ride down there. If you hurry you can probably be back fairly quick.