What TW means to me...

PeuswahBoy said:
Long story short. A big chunk of bone fell out of my femur, directly where it meets the tibia, behind the kneecap. We're guessing it's from an old sports injury. They removed the chunk arthroscopically in April '05. That wasn't any big deal. The major part is this "experimental" surgery to patch the hole. The procedure itself isn't radical, the size was. Anyway, I'll be glad to get rid of these crutches.
Well here's to hoping for a quick recovery. :cheers:


Lobster said:
You, he, and I all did the same joke in this thread.

Must be some sort of euro-t1 connection. Or something.

Well, we all know EU > US in many things, including Tribes!
Strangley enough, i used to agree with you. But now it seems that everyone argues just to disagree, without really having a point, and there are WAY too many threads on tw ABOUT tw.
Other than that, it's home, and out of morbid curiousity, I keep coming back.
Zombee said:
Strangley enough, i used to agree with you. But now it seems that everyone argues just to disagree, without really having a point, and there are WAY too many threads on tw ABOUT tw.
Other than that, it's home, and out of morbid curiousity, I keep coming back.
Zombee said:
Strangley enough, i used to agree with you. But now it seems that everyone argues just to disagree, without really having a point, and there are WAY too many threads on tw ABOUT tw.
Other than that, it's home, and out of morbid curiousity, I keep coming back.

Basically yeah ^

Seems nearly every post is replied to only with "Shuttup faggot" "cry more faggit" or "fuck off fagget"