What TW means to me...

Seraph said:
Wow, PeuswahBoy, I always thought that you were some retarded, annoying twelve year-old that wondered on to this site. :shrug:

However, I do agree with what you said.

PeuswahBoy said:
Given the latest round of people taking TW too seriously, I figured I'd throw this out there.

I love TW/GD. It's my favorite place on the internet. It allows me to escape my everyday stresses and hassles. It's the place I can say/ask anything I want, and people will tell me their opinions on the matter.

A few years ago, my wife and I chucked it all (3 car garage, pool, 2 excellent jobs, friends) to move from SoCal to CT. This was done to provide a good living environment for my 2 young boys, as we could not afford to have her be a stay at home mom in SoCal. I'm making a good living, but paying for houses, cars, food, wife, and kids can make things very financially stressful. Keep in mind, I'm not bitching here, just setting up my point.

The funnay, faggotry, OFN, AFN, informative, asinine, and retarded are all part of TW. This place has a great way of entertaining me, even when things aren't that great IRL. Everything here has its place. That's what makes this place great. The posters I can't stand to read make this place, just as much as the posters I love to read. I can debate topics here that I would never touch IRL. I can express radical points of view here, that would get me lynched/fired/divorced in the real world.

Cliffs: I fucking love this place. Now, flame away. :bigthumb:

Very well said. Don't take anything here too serious, and have a good time....

Graham Hood said:
:rofl: You just invited people to Flame away, so suck it up PussyBoy!

Psst, when I said "case in point", I was referring to you being an integral part of the experience. It's cool, though. You must've forgotten your reading glasses. :bigthumb:
PeuswahBoy said:
Seriously Loggy, I'm just a 33 year old dude who used to love Tribes. I got sucked into this site around '99/2000, and it's provided me with thousands of hours of entertainment.

So it took you five years to post?
LogRoller said:
So it took you five years to post?

I'm not even going to touch that one. Last time I did, I got demoted to Perma-Meber. :lol:

In a way, it's kind of liberating. No expectations and all. :shrug:
You know what, as much as I went into this expecting to hate every amount of dibble that you just said, I agree. Some people here have friends they have in real life because of this site however, just keep that in mind. Sometimes it doesn't just limit itself to the internet.

You have gained some respect.
HeLLrAiSr said:
You know what, as much as I went into this expecting to hate every amount of dibble that you just said, I agree. Some people here have friends they have in real life because of this site however, just keep that in mind. Sometimes it doesn't just limit itself to the internet.

You have gained some respect.

:bigthumb: (Keep that in mind next time you flame me for random faggotry)

Anyone else with a dissertation on what TeeDub means to them?
In the old days, I would have written a big long essay on the subject. Now, I guess TW means a half-decent way to waste my time.
LogRoller said:
In the old days, I would have written a big long essay on the subject. Now, I guess TW means a half-decent way to waste my time.
In the old days, I would've read it.
Wren said:
This place is a lot more boring than it used to be
true dat. i used to laugh out loud at tribalwar so hard i would get cramps in my side every half an hour im here. now its only so often that happens, like with the babies r us thread and stuff like that