[Walking Dead] Can these characters get any dumber?

Technically you can argue that the survivor characters assume they are gonna die from bites? Or was there a moment at the CDC bunker where the technician actually told them directly?
They'd lost people to bites before they even thought about going to the CDC. Andrea's sister Amy for example.
Lori is pretty dumb but if the world is full of zombies, you're preggers, you only have 7 people with you and one of them is a doctor you'd probably take that risk (mouth to mouth) as well. He'll he's probably the most important guy to have around.

From what I can tell, you get infected from bites, die, change over.
You die from anything then change over. (unless I'm mistaken the is a new discovery this season)

So why did Tiny have to die?

Why did that zombie wait to pull his hands off after all this time being a zombie. Didn't he ever need to scratch his balls or whatever prior to attacking Tiny?

So many questions...
Merle if you're going to rejoin this group I expect you to pull your weight. Now go grab a bunk and get yourself situated. Glenn can you give him a hand?
That's only if said black character is played by remotely famous R&B or Rap artist.
You guys are complaining that the characters are dumb? The main character is a cop... from the deep south... Other cast mates consist of some trailer trash woman whose kid got lost and husband got killed. A backwoods redneck who has supposedly had run ins with the law. Some "african american" from the south with a gold front tooth... The only people who seem intelligent are Hershel, his oldest daughter, and the asian kid. Dale wasn't too bad either, but "intellectuals" tend to get persecuted/ignored in the south. Oh, and about them wearing better clothes to ward off scratches. Dale had his fucking chest/stomach ripped open by a zombie's dead, bare hands. Like, how the fuck did that happen? clothes can't prevent that shit if it's possible. And yeah, there was that guy in season 1 that had the bad fever from being bit and they left him by a tree to die, so either bites/scratches super-infect you, kill you, and then turn you into a zombie , or they just give you a bad infection that kills you and then you turn into a zombie because you are already infected. Either way, same outcome. Scratches/bites = bad.

Edit: and i'm from Mississippi, fyi.
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