yeah the fact there are no ip matches just proves its not a total dumbass... but someone who has used the internet for more then just looking yup pictures or children.

btw who is haupsoizer?
Beren said:
yeah the fact there are no ip matches just proves its not a total dumbass... but someone who has used the internet for more then just looking yup pictures or children.

btw who is haupsoizer?
dunno, but he still has to make his proofs. he made a few dumbasses thread but nothing too harmful yet so he's 50/50 in my book.
i can see how the muslim references and islam obsession might point you in that direction

but no

thank fuck, DA aka Al Muktar is gone forever
i remember being really nervous. I in fact turned down sex a few times before actually doing it (Because I was nervous).

Then I figured I'd get it over with and it'd last 10 seconds

yeah I wasn't that far off.

but I rallied 5 minutes later and was much better.
John Titor said:
Well from what I've gathered from TW it should go something like this:
Me sees girl
Me thinks I'd hit it
Me approaches girl
me: I know shok
her: O rly?
me: Ya rly
Her: My your dick has a big head
Me: I call it BadMofo
Librarian: stfu this si library [ya we are doing it in a library]
Her: You have condom
Me: I have sandpaper
Her: I have twin sister
Me: Rest of series
Sex Commences
My Conscience: Bust inside
Me: I just busted inside
Her: I see what you did there