Felt pretty much like I expected, but I was so nervous I took forever to bust, and the condom didnt help much. Being that it the first time for both of us, it was mediocre, it got better with time.

and boobies feel great, just like bags of sand... (I know I fucked up the quote :( )
i think it won't really be that great, not all that much different from my hand except warm and wet and stimulating to the head and not just the shaft and not able to go as fast
John Titor said:
Well from what I've gathered from TW it should go something like this:
Me sees girl
Me thinks I'd hit it
Me approaches girl
me: I want to have sex
her: O rly?
me: Ya rly
Her: My your dick has a big head
Me: I call it BadMofo
Librarian: stfu this si library [ya we are doing it in a library]
Her: You have condom
Me: I have sandpaper
Her: I have twin sister
Me: The trick is to hyperventilate and be as efficient as possible.
Sex Commences
My Conscience: Bust inside
Me: I just busted inside
Her: I see what you did there
I'm a little more interested in other things, like how soft a girl's body is/can be/etc...getting my cock in there isn't terribly high on my list of priorities...

I dunno, don't listen to this post. I've had an amazingly small amount of sleep and I'm literally falling asleep at the keyboard. I need to go across the room to my bed.
I'm not interested in your first time stories, TW, I'm interested in what you think it will be like if you've never done it before.
so...I'm like 1 of the 2 posters in the thread who can fulfill that?

I'm thinking it'll be like a handjob, but in a really soft, slippery flattened tube that stretches and moves around on its own so it's really quite stimulating.

Plus add to this thing you'll have another person who's enjoying herself, and has breasts and nipples and an ass and nice legs and arms and hair to touch and grab and play with.
Chikaze said:
so...I'm like 1 of the 2 posters in the thread who can fulfill that?

I'm thinking it'll be like a handjob, but in a really soft, slippery flattened tube that stretches and moves around on its own so it's really quite stimulating.

Plus add to this thing you'll have another person who's enjoying herself, and has breasts and nipples and an ass and nice legs and arms and hair to touch and grab and play with.

almost 100% correct... only for the enjoying herself part... depends if it's her first time or not :)
Merranza said:
almost 100% correct... only for the enjoying herself part... depends if it's her first time or not :)
good point, good point. I have been told many times that the older a girl is, the more she'll enjoy it...I try to limit my search to 35 or younger...

and not bad for never having done it, huh? At least I'm not a noob 24yo...
Chikaze said:
so...I'm like 1 of the 2 posters in the thread who can fulfill that?

This is TW. You'd be surprised. I would bet that there's more like 100 people who frequent this forum who haven't ever had sex. Look at Kurayami and Orbital, for gods sake!
I know I'm getting a late start on things, but I've just started asking girls out. It sucks cuz it seems like all the nice ones are already married.