Trump's getting impeached lolololol

You ever watch someone that just can't stop digging themselves a giant hole...

...and after a while, they get so far down deep into it, that there is nowhere to go but down, so why stop now?


This is sad to watch.
Basically Nancy just admitted that Joe Biden is already the nominee before a single primary vote was cast.

From a tactical standpoint they have to have Warren. How many people voted for Hillary just because she was a woman? (kinda)

But I will not take them for being smart. They are doing the same thing as last year with more added FREEE and REEEEE TRUMP
warren is hillary with better legal/policy competence and less (comparatively no) political/legal baggage

p much wat the dnc had drawn up in their imagination as the caricature that justified their rigging the 2016 primary for hillary
Warren crumbles under any form of verbal assault, every time. She gets flustered very easily. Probably why they kept Tulsi out of the debates.

Withholding funds?

If there was a delay - it was because we want the rest of the world to pay their fair share and also to avoid corrupt spending. Not because of sleepy joe and his corrupt son.

Asking to investigate fraud?
Yep - that fraud exists and will soon become the main focus of the dems who will have to shine a spotlight on sleepy joe.


I mean...

It just hurts to watch...

It's like a child that got burned by some one-liner and goes on to spend the rest of their years and focus trying to one-up the person that did it, failing again and again, but still trying so hard, obsessing over it...

They play their hand so hard.

They are frothing at the mouth for Trump so bad.

Why would anyone be quick to believe anything at all?

I don't even think anyone needs to try to outplay them at all.

You only need to give them enough rope to hang themselves with.

They are so far behind and they don't realize it.

The next election is going to be the greatest entertainment we have ever had... ever...
Rush had a great point about "withholding aid" to the Ukraine today.

Remember in around 2005 when Obama and Clinton helped disarm the Ukraine by promising them they wouldn't need their weapons because we would all help them out if Russia gave them trouble?

Then, Russia seized the Crimea from Ukraine in 2014?

And we withheld aid and let the Russians do it?

Yeah. That's a real example of fucking people over and withholding aid.