Tribes : Ascend

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I have no idea what's going on, but after watching the first post movie, I have to say that this will be T:V all over again.
It doesn't exactly have a lot going for it: console port, or is it a pc port? unreal engine? unknown developer wanting money off a franchise with jetpacks? rock, paper, scissors isn't funny.
It doesn't exactly have a lot going for it: console port, or is it a pc port? unreal engine? unknown developer wanting money off a franchise with jetpacks? rock, paper, scissors isn't funny.

k i'll stop acting delusional for a minute.

the facts are this game will most likely be a pos but have disc launchers skiing and a player populater greater than 30 so i will buy it

however there is a tribes 1 community still and we are here and i will probably not even want 2 upgrade 2 run this next game so if u are like me u could come play on a shitty 10v10 ladder with a bunch of scrub noobies one night every week or so

Tribes Talk - TribalWar Forums

I know you are as passionate about this game as I am (I have seen many of your posts on the T:U forums), but I find it hard to believe that you do not see my point. I understand where you are coming from, and I think you would agree with me if you did not feel as though I am attacking the scripting and modding aspect of the game. I am not.

Our point of contention lies in what we consider to be an acceptable means of script being accessible. For me, I should not have to go to or Home · to get onto a level playing field with an opponent.

For you, you feel that you should be able to take advantage of any resource outside the scope of the game. If your opponent is either unwilling or unable to utilize these outside resources, then too bad for them, they should have more time to spend in IRC or on TW to find out these resources....even if your opponent is more skilled in combat.
It is fundamentally unfair for you to practice ski routes on your own more than I do. It is a flawed game that requires more time invested to be every bit as good as a rival.
It is fundamentally unfair for you to practice ski routes on your own more than I do. It is a flawed game that requires more time invested to be every bit as good as a rival.

That is within the scope of the game so that is not a good troll, logically speaking.
Rev. Hax come from outside sources also. I am still saying those are cheats. Scripts are not hax, but you are likening them to that, just because you have to get the outside the game, AS THE DEV TEAM INTENDED.

That is the point you are missing. Scripting was going around the intent of the dev team, it was following it. So essentially, if you cant ackowneledge not only that their existence is fair, but also recommended by the dev team, You are the one approaching the game the wrong way. Scripts that were awesome in t1, were built into t2 (like skiing) because they improved the game. They werent hard to find or get or hidden.

In a game like TV this was not true. the "add-ons" made for TV were in most cases hax of some kind as the game was made to be a closed environment making scriptong and modding difficult. This was not the case with t1/t2. Intentionally.

EDIT: Additionally, if you werent willing to go to "Outside Sources" tog et things like Mappacks, you couldnt even play the game with your friends because those maps (that were mostly PLyaer made, just like the scripts) were Only available outside of the game.

Would it be good if as many of the useful script ideas were integrated into the game from the start with readmes accesible ingame to explain how to utilize it. YES. And we will encourage HiRez to do exactly that. But if they leave the platform Open for scripters to add even more functionality... and Scripters make those tools and put them up for everyone to download, they arent cheats unless they are Exploits and/or Hacks such as HM2/ AutoAim/etc. I know you would like for this game to be "simpler" to set up for everyone, but to me it sounds like you might be better off only playing console games in the future due to their closed in nature if that is what you are looking for.

For the rest of us that "get it" , we realize Scriptiing, Modding and Mapmaking are all integral to what made Tribes into the game we still love 13 years later.

I won't push it any further, as i feel like i regurgitated the same post 5 different way to try and be clear. Sounds to me that you dont like a major part of what made tribe ... "TRIBES".
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Scripts are within the scope of the game.

I agree.

Rev. Hax come from outside sources also. I am still saying those are cheats. Scripts are not hax, but you are likening them to that, just because you have to get the outside the game, AS THE DEV TEAM INTENDED.

That is the point you are missing. Scripting was going around the intent of the dev team, it was following it. So essentially, if you cant ackowneledge not only that their existence is fair, but also recommended by the dev team, You are the one approaching the game the wrong way. Scripts that were awesome in t1, were built into t2 (like skiing) because they improved the game. They werent hard to find or get or hidden.

In a game like TV this was not true. the "add-ons" made for TV were in most cases hax of some kind as the game was made to be a closed environment making scriptong and modding difficult. This was not the case with t1/t2. Intentionally.

I am not against the use of scripts. I love scripts. I have said it over and over. The issue I have is how they are used (and more precisely, how they are acquired). I know the futility of my argument since the only way it I can conceive of scripts being utilized in a positive way (i.e. to shut me up) would be to have them loaded up and accessible for everyone.

Maybe ZOD and zodd could update T2 classic for us and put in interpolate and whatever else is popular now (but not a hax). To me, that is the kind of solution that makes scripts balanced and fair. It is really semantics at this point and, as has been said earlier, I think we should just agree to disagree (if you still disagree with me).

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Rev. Hax come from outside sources also. I am still saying those are cheats. Scripts are not hax, but you are likening them to that, just because you have to get the outside the game, AS THE DEV TEAM INTENDED.

That is the point you are missing. Scripting was going around the intent of the dev team, it was following it. So essentially, if you cant ackowneledge not only that their existence is fair, but also recommended by the dev team, You are the one approaching the game the wrong way. Scripts that were awesome in t1, were built into t2 (like skiing) because they improved the game. They werent hard to find or get or hidden.

In a game like TV this was not true. the "add-ons" made for TV were in most cases hax of some kind as the game was made to be a closed environment making scriptong and modding difficult. This was not the case with t1/t2. Intentionally.

EDIT: Additionally, if you werent willing to go to "Outside Sources" tog et things like Mappacks, you couldnt even play the game with your friends because those maps (that were mostly PLyaer made, just like the scripts) were Only available outside of the game.

Would it be good if as many of the useful script ideas were integrated into the game from the start with readmes accesible ingame to explain how to utilize it. YES. And we will encourage HiRez to do exactly that. But if they leave the platform Open for scripters to add even more functionality... and Scripters make those tools and put them up for everyone to download, they arent cheats unless they are Exploits and/or Hacks such as HM2/ AutoAim/etc. I know you would like for this game to be "simpler" to set up for everyone, but to me it sounds like you might be better off only playing console games in the future due to their closed in nature if that is what you are looking for.

For the rest of us that "get it" , we realize Scriptiing, Modding and Mapmaking are all integral to what made Tribes into the game we still love 13 years later.

I won't push it any further, as i feel like i regurgitated the same post 5 different way to try and be clear. Sounds to me that you dont like a major part of what made tribe ... "TRIBES".

Scripting did make Tribes what it is, but it isn't 1999 anymore. The gaming industry has changed. Patches and updates to clients are hooked into the games today. Back then if Dynamix wanted to release a change to the client you would have to download it (on your 28.8 modem) and manually install it. Today that can all be done automatically. I highly doubt this new iteration of Tribes will have open scripting, at least I hope not. It's been over 10 years and people are still bickering over the $net:interpolate variable.

I hope they keep mapping and modding, and while I loved playing with it, client-side scripting should go the wayside.
Scripting did make Tribes what it is, but it isn't 1999 anymore. The gaming industry has changed. Patches and updates to clients are hooked into the games today. Back then you had to download a new client. If Dynamix wanted to release a change to the client you would have to download it manually and install it. Today that can all be done automatically. I highly doubt this new iteration of Tribes will have open scripting, at least I hope not. It's been over 10 years and people are still bickering over the $net:interpolate variable.

I hope they keep mapping and modding, and while I loved playing with it, client-side scripting should go the wayside.

Scripting is one of the core aspects to Tribes that has made it last this long. Why take away one of the best elements of the franchise?
It would have been cool if the scripts people were using were uploaded to the server when they joined. That way the other players would know what was available and there wouldn't be any "oooo So and So was using this or that script." It would have been public.
Fair point Zlex. I could even seee a system where scripting exists, but all scripts have to be submitted to the Dev team for approval, and then if approved and considered good for the game as an option could be added into some kind of monthly/quarterly update, so that everyone gets them (a la Rev Zens point) with readmes about each so each person can decide if they want to use them

This would be a way to allow creativity in scripting to continue to evolve the product, while keeping quality up, and useless scripts (PJs pack anyone) o+ Cheats such as Red Mines/Invos Out.

That said, its extra work for the game company then, but just like if they did the same thing with maps (Let the community make them, then endorse those that play well and are balanced into "Officially Supported Map packs" would make it more likely that those map packs end up on more Dedicated Servers meaning people actually play them and have a more simlar experience from server to server. And while it is extra work, its essentially user made game content, repackaged and approved by the dev, which has to be cheaper than developing your own extra content.
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