Tribes : Ascend

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B-Man is a good guy, but he missed your guys point entirely.

He is thinking the mechanic of skiing - having a script vs mashing spacebar is now the same in all 3 games..

whereas you guys were talking about the FEEL of the game while skiing, which is Different , a little bit between T2c and T1 (u guys think its more but i can go back and forth between the same maps in both games interchangeably without an issue, so its damn close) and of course T:V which isnt even skiing, its frictionless sliding with 0 carving.

But yeah, I think he actually knows that whole paragraaph part, he was just arguing the other part.

EDIT: I miss your Manlove DM.
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Rev Zen. - You arent getting it. What you are saying you "think is fine and improves the game" doesnt exist. There are no scripts that the server has that you DL automatically that give you the flexibility of changing things like FOV.

ALL Scripts are clientside and something you Download. The Developers made it this way. You are ignorant of this whole side of the game, and CHOOSE not to spend a few hours finding out which scripts could enhance your playing experience. Enhance Playing expeirience, not some conspiracy to give massive advatanges ing ame to certain players that arent shared with others. You can go look at the Thousands of Scripts at places like or Home ·, and you can tell yourself they are cheats all you want, but you are just plain wrong.

In the case of T2, you get a .vl2 file, and drop it in yout tribes2/gamedata/base folder, and voila, you have the script installed. You dont have to modify .cs files. You dont have to edit clientprefs or do haxoring. You download a file that the Creators of the game made sure the community knew how tyo make and install because they wanted the community to create such tools.

Perm IFFs / HM2 / AutoAim hax, etc != as FOV Script/ Chat Script/ Interpolate etc.

Some of them are Hax meant to do things the game didnt offer by default. The scripts generally effect the GUI and or things you could already do within the game, but make an easy interface to do it.

THe only person cheating is you. You are cheating yourself from a better tribes experience. I am done with the argument because you can only talk to a brick wall so long, but your understanding of Scripting in this game is infantile and something that any rational person would have gotten over a week or two into the game, just like I did when I found out about z0ddski.cs in t1 (and thought it was a cheat). Good Luck actually comprehending the intentions of the Development team that made this fantastic Moddable & Scriptable game series (excluding T:V).

I never claimed I was an expert on scripting and I shouldn't have to be in order to compete on a level playing ground with someone.

So you feel that the developers wanted you to be able to be the only player on a server to have interpolate or do you feel that if 1 person has interpolate, then everybody should have interpolate (it's kind scary how SOCIALIST that sounds, but since we are talking about fair competivition in a video game and not economics I am OK with it)?
B-Man is a good guy, but he missed your guys point entirely.

He is thinking the mechanic of skiing - having a script vs mashing spacebar is now the same in all 3 games..

whereas you guys were talking about the FEEL of the game while skiing, which is Different , a little bit between T2c and T1 (u guys think its more but i can go back and forth between the same maps in both games interchangeably without an issue, so its damn close) and of course T:V which isnt even skiing, its frictionless sliding with 0 carving.

But yeah, I think he actually knows that whole paragraaph part, he was just arguing the other part.

EDIT: I miss your Manlove DM.

That still makes no sense. Mashing the spacebar was only common for the first 2-3 months of T1. After that jumpscripts were available and heavily used. It was long before the release of future games. Hell the future games used the hold down space method because of how well the scripts worked.
the thing about interpolate is balance. was the chaingun balanced with the knowledge that users could tweak the settings themselves, or was it balanced to use the setting it shipped with
the thing about interpolate is balance. was the chaingun balanced with the knowledge that users could tweak the settings themselves, or was it balanced to use the setting it shipped with

Balanced for what audience?

Without interpolate if I play someone with a low ping, we can both start CGing...I will unload all my ammo and hit on 1 - 5 bullets, whereas the LPB will kill me.

Now give us both interpolate. The LPB doesn't change, but I can now see the same thing he sees by virtue of his low ping. That means I can now use the cg.

If the devs thought (anti)interpolate was a problem, they could have had the server purposefully cripple the LPBs to even the playing field. They did not do this - instead they allowed you to change your settings.
In T1 competition I never used any scripts except for the inventory station one. But 90% of my experience in T1 was just pub play, and a good 20% of that was the demo, which I played ours on end (in which no one would ski, or at-least I never would see anyone ski).

But I did just fine mashing the keyboard until T2 was released. Then when I came back to T1, I had to have the script.
In T1 competition I never used any scripts except for the inventory station one. But 90% of my experience in T1 was just pub play, and a good 20% of that was the demo, which I played ours on end (in which no one would ski, or at-least I never would see anyone ski).

But I did just fine mashing the keyboard until T2 was released. Then when I came back to T1, I had to have the script.

Can I kill you?
I never claimed I was an expert on scripting and I shouldn't have to be in order to compete on a level playing ground with someone.

So you feel that the developers wanted you to be able to be the only player on a server to have interpolate or do you feel that if 1 person has interpolate, then everybody should have interpolate (it's kind scary how SOCIALIST that sounds, but since we are talking about fair competivition in a video game and not economics I am OK with it)?

I thinkt he developers left the game open to easy scripting because they expected PC gamers to be smart enough to access websites and download things like Mappacks and useful scripts. 100s of thousands of 10-15 year olds had no problem doing this with T1 and T2. there were no super secret scripts. There were no sites with scripts that you had to pay for access to. If you were involved with the game beyond buying it and logging in, you knew about scrtipts, where to find them, just like mappacks, demos of good players to help you learn roles/routes, and Videos.

Was making tribes movies also equivalent to cheating. that often required scripts. What about Mappacks that you had to Download. Player Skins? Am I a cheater because I downloaded player skins you didnt download? You are just making excuses for those few people who didnt give enough of a shit about the game to pay attention to what was commonly known and easily available, even recommended by the same players that you rpetend used it as a skill advantage and hid its existence from the "normal crowd". The "Normal (non elitist) crowd" knew all about the mappacks, skins, scripts, etc. The uninformed out there were uninformed by either apathy or choice, but not because of some sinister conspiracy to "keep all of the scripts for the elitists to gain an advantage".

It sounds like you are just realizing that you missed out on a good and fun and accepted part of the game, and you are trying to rationalize that you missed out on nothing because 90% of the community was "cheaters".

Again, that does not include things like HM2, AutoAim, etc, which were considered hax, not "scripts" like FOV, Chat, etc.

I am not trying to be a dick here, because youve been around a long time and are not an ass in any way, but you have strayed out of the realm of opinion, and are just plain wrong about this issue.

That still makes no sense. Mashing the spacebar was only common for the first 2-3 months of T1. After that jumpscripts were available and heavily used. It was long before the release of future games. Hell the future games used the hold down space method because of how well the scripts worked.

Oh I agree. I think he believes either that a lot more people spacebar-mashed instead of using scripts available within months. Just saying he has always been a good guy on the forums, I just dont think he realized what you guys meant at all.

the thing about interpolate is balance. was the chaingun balanced with the knowledge that users could tweak the settings themselves, or was it balanced to use the setting it shipped with

This was the discussion we had at tribescon with z0dd. the timing sucked. Had Classic been released months later after Interp started to go around, and easy access to the interp settings were built into classic, and the chaingun moderately toned down to reflect this change, I wouldnt have the opinion that "Interpolate Changed T2 for the worse".

In the new game, I hope it is still considered 1 of the 2 essential weapons, but that it will not be quite so effective in general. IMO its cone of fire could be 150% what it currently is, and it would still get used just as often, it just wouldnt rack up kills so easily.
Fuck. I am starting to get hyped by this game just because it is a Tribes game.

Still, something will go wrong with this Tribes game too. It is clear that their ultimate goal is to get everyone to play Tribes Universe, so they will probably stop supporting Tribes Ascend when Tribes Universe is released, some stupid shit like that is bound to happen.

Tribes Universe ruined Tribes Ascend.
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