Tribes : Ascend

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No jackass it's your comparison of T1 vs T2... It makes you sound like you're reading this shit on wikipedia.
So I guess happyjump makes no difference whatsoever. You are right I have never played Tribes 1.

Actually, it's no different in SKIING PERFORMANCE from a ski script. I've tested it myself on ExtremeSki (in the same way as the guy that wrote it) as well as Rollercoaster.. There is no difference in speed at all. The technique to MAKE you ski is different, but as far as the game is concerned skiing is skiing.

The placebo effect has owned you, sir.
Seriously ?B-MAN, do yo not realize how backwards you sound? T2 skiing was designed to work like T1 jump scripts, not the other way around.
ok I'll sign into my fake fb account

editted so I don't sound like a creeper

actually not fake, but my work account... :)
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light concept

medium concept
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