[Tin Foil Hat Time] Conspiracy Theory

JuggerNaught said:
I think that there is probably a cure for diseases like AIDS..look at Magic Johnson. Do you REALLY think the only person that has so far been able to apparently hold back the onset of full blown hiv/aids just so happens to be a multi-millionaire? My..isnt that convenient?.

There isnt a "cure" but there is "treatment" that will stop it from getting worse but it is very expensive, so thats why he hasnt died but he still has AIDS.

JuggerNaught said:
We live in a country that KNOWS that right across both our northern and southern borders, medicines that people in this country use every day can be gotten cheaper. They can be gotten cheaper in europe as well, yet our government, no doubt due to prodding from pharmaceutical lobbyists with veeery deep pockets, has outlawed getting those cheaper drugs to our people.

There medical expenses are cheaper because they pay for it in taxes, they pay a lot more taxes than we do. Canada has taxes of lie 50% i think and Mexico is like 40% i think (im too lazy to find links)

JuggerNaught said:
I think diseases like cancer are a little more tough to 'cure', but i think that it is very possible that they can cure most. My girl had pappilary thyroid cancer last year, and while she caught it early and everything, it is completely gone. Not in remission..gone. Now granted, that is a really 'light' version of cancer, but still.

They have treatments, and yes they are expensive

In the end medical things are expensive because we have insurance that will pay for it, so why not get the best? so companies continually make newer stuff and hospitals and doctors get new expensive stuff because thats what people want. in the end it just keeps raising insurance rates but people are living longer.

As for oil, they are doing R&D and new sources. Honda has a hydrogen car that works, but they obviously cant sell it cause there are only a few stations in california now i think. So who is going to have to spend all this money to build all those. ExxonMobil recorded "huge profits" but actually had negative cash flow, due to investing and financing activities, check their cash flow statement.
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The-ill-man said:
well there goes that theory

I don't think your theory is wrong.. just correcting your numbers. :)

You're right that drugs aren’t actually CHEAPER in Canada, the government just subsidizes a significant amount of the cost. And these reduced prices are only for Canadians, not for Americans to just come across the boarder and pick up without paying for them in their taxes. That is Canadian policy for obivous reasons, not American policy as Juggernaut said.