[Tin Foil Hat Time] Conspiracy Theory

owner said:
I do not consider psychological addiction an addiction at all. Just weakness of the mind.
Wikipedia said:
Alcohol addiction has been identified as having many components.

Psychological addiction [...]

Physical addiction (a.k.a., dependence) involves the physical adaptation of a person's biological systems to the continued presence of alcohol in their system. The person's systems become more comfortable when they have the "normal" level of alcohol, and higher doses are required to maintain an equivalent effect. A decrease in the level of alcohol causes reverse imbalances resulting in withdrawal symptoms, which for alcohol can be deadly.

Neurochemical addiction involves the hijacking of existing learning mechanisms in order to convince the system that an addictive behavior is good for it, despite all evidence to the contrary. Endorphin is the body's way of telling the mind that a behavior is good for it. We release endorphin into the blood stream during sex, exercise and consumption of some foods for instance, and this is responsible for "runner's high" and "afterglow". This is more than just a good feeling, it is teaching our brain that these are the behaviors that it should repeat. It has been demonstrated in various clinical tests that mammals with more active endorphin systems are more prone to alcohol addiction. This is because alcohol triggers the release of endorphins into our system, and we learn that alcohol drinking is a behavior that we should repeat. This effect is also visible in the use of opiates, and in various risk-taking behaviors such as skydiving and gambling.
Want to argue some more facts, brainiac?
The government puts AIDS in our water to keep the black population under control. Also with more people having AIDS, the pharm. companies can suck their wallets dry (even though they really have the cure and aren't giving it to them :rofl:) Also on Semptember 11th, the government was behind all of the attacks. This made a perfect excuse to go into Iraq and take control of their oil. We're going to keep going from country to country in the Middle East until we can directly control most of the oil. The US gov. have no conscious, they are just money hungry racist capitalists.

For sources, you can check out my ass because that's where I pulled all of this from.
Rabid_Bear said:
"we already have a alternative fuel source which has been proven but has been shut down by oil companies."
anyone who agrees with Rabid_Bear, I will point you in the right direction. Research Nikola Tesla, the E.V Gray Motor, and what is called "Cold Energy".

A link


E.V Gray accidentally rediscovered this circuit some years later, and his efforts to patent a motor and market it were shut down by the oil industry/goverment. As much as this would benefit humanity, it would hurt jobs and economy in the US.

edit- This also known ad "Radiant Energy"
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SonofFelix said:
The government puts AIDS in our water to keep the black population under control. Also with more people having AIDS, the pharm. companies can suck their wallets dry (even though they really have the cure and aren't giving it to them :rofl:) Also on Semptember 11th, the government was behind all of the attacks. This made a perfect excuse to go into Iraq and take control of their oil. We're going to keep going from country to country in the Middle East until we can directly control most of the oil. The US gov. have no conscious, they are just money hungry racist capitalists.

For sources, you can check out my ass because that's where I pulled all of this from.
Corporations are pathological

Wow, people are here defending corporations suggesting they "have a conscience". Other people jump in offereing various examples of said corporate conscience. If they have a conscience, it ain't no more than a marketing campaign, since it is practically ILLEGAL for corp's to put anything ahead of generating profit.

The notion that many corp's have a conscience is ofcourse, laughable.

It's like pointing out that a tobacco company (under a Court punishment coercing them to publish anti-Smoking ads) is trying to stop minors from smoking but does so out of "corporate consciense".


Many corporations have a pathological relationship to society. I can site Ford's refusal to fix the Pinto explosion problem. GM made the same decision in 1973 concerning gas tank explosions:

500 fatalities x $200,000/fatality
--------------------------------------- = $2.40/automobile
41,000,000 automobiles

The cost to General Motors of ensuring that fuel tanks did not explode in crashes, estimated by the company to be $8.59 per automobile, meant the company could save $6.19 ($8.59 minus $2.40) per automobile if it allowed people to die fuel-feed fires rather than alter the design of vehicles to avoid such fires.(p.62-63)

Other examples:
The sale and distribution of tobacco. LOL @ Camel for intentionally advertsing TO CHILDREN.
The marketing of booze/tobacco on mass media.
Gov't support for the junk food industry.
Gov't support for oil speculation.
Gov't support for privatized health care.
Gov't support for de-regualation. (like teh Energy markets i.e. Enron)

It's interesting to note Kenneth Lay has moved to Florida - the only State which doesn't allow court claims against private possessions like Mr. Lay's $29 million dollar home.

I think there is a case to be made that gov'ts are increasingly putting corporate desires ahead of the Will of the People, we only need to look at Iraq to come to that conclusion.
Eggi said:
right...that makes no sense...if it was readily available in nature and in an easily consumable form then ppl wouldnt pay for it obviously. anyways, the argument is irrelevant, the point i was making is that the way you guys are basing your argument is as if drug companies have no incentive to make drugs that make ppl healthy, as if that would be a good business decision to NOT make ppl feel better.
name one man made medicine that while it do its intended job, if you take it (albiet over a long enough time line for some folks) it will damage you.

tobacco is not a good example here. they have been forced, by law, and by necessity to stay in business, to do these things. However, the tobacco industry is a very good example of an industry that is not concerned with the health and wellbeing of the public, only of making money.

Im talking about companies that have literally gone out of their way, not by law or by necessity, or by bad press or by any reason other than the owners or board of directors decided it would be a good thing to do to reduce the emission of pollutants, to become 'green' if you will. There was a decent article on CNN citing several examples, but i would be hard pressed to come up with any now. The point of the example is to point out that there are many people with consciouses who are not just concerned with making money and their own wellbeings, just as there are many ppl of the opposite disposition. And some of these people run companies. And its not a hard stretch to surmise that some of them also run very big companies.
Yeah, but again, they didnt become 'green' or do their turn around by their own accord. They did it after they got enough bad press, enough cases against them..etc..etc. (i.e. after enough things happened that they started losing money) You'll be very hard pressed to find any ceo that woke up one day and said 'ya know..i just make too much money, i need to make my operating costs higher so that im more environmentally friendly'
JuggerNaught said:
I think that there is probably a cure for diseases like AIDS..look at Magic Johnson. Do you REALLY think the only person that has so far been able to apparently hold back the onset of full blown hiv/aids just so happens to be a multi-millionaire? My..isnt that convenient?.
Somebody needs to back me up on this, but I'm pretty sure that Magic Johnson isn't the only one to hold back AIDS.
If we had a cure that accessible to millionaires, why would there still be rich people dying from it?
ScooBySnaCk said:
I think right now Im more pissed with shit like gas prices and oil companies are making record profits and we just sit there having a KNOWN alternative way just sitting there.
Okay, yes we have alternative source of energy...but realistically how long do you believe it will take to overhaul the infrastructure of the entire country?
Corporate rule must be challenged in order to revive the values and practices it contradicts: democracy, social justice, equality, and commercial passion. The corporation and its underlying ideology are animated by a narrow conception of human nature that is too distorted and too uninspiring to have lasting purchase on our political imaginations. Though individualistic self-interest and consumer desires are core parts of who we are and nothing to be ashamed about, they are not all of who we are. We also feel deep ties and commitments to one another, that we share common fates and hopes for a better world. We know that our values, capacities, aesthetics, and senses of meaning and justice are, in part, created and nurtured by our communal attach ments. We believe that some things are too vulnerable, precious, or important to exploit for profit. "We don't have to see ourselves primarily as rapacious producers and consumers of goods who function in ways that are competitive and self-interested," as philosopher Mark Kingwell says. "Humans have organized themselves by and large for vast stretches of what we call civilization in other ways."

The best argument against corporate rule is to look at who we really are and to understand how poorly the corporation's tenets reflect us. "We are basically organisms of feeling, of empathy," says scientist and activist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho. "When other people suffer, we suffer. We want a safe, equitable, just, and compassionate world because it is a matter of life and death to us." Dr. Vandana Shiva, another scientist turned activist, notes that "in every period of his tory" people have risen up against systems that are "based on illegiti mate measures" and that deny people "the right and freedoms ... to live and survive with dignity." No social and ideological order that represses essential parts of ourselves can last-a point as true of the corporate order as it was for the fallen Communist one. We only have to remember who we are and what we are capable of as human beings to reveal how dangerously distorted is the corporation's order of narrow self-interest.

"How does a free people govern themselves?" asks Richard Grossman of the Boston-based Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy. "I mean, in a sense this is all not about the corporation. It's about us as human beings ... our role on the earth, our temporal span, our life span, what are we to do with ourselves; how we come together with other people to govern ourselves ... to live in harmony with other creatures on the earth, to live in harmony with the earth itself, to live in harmony with the future generations ... including the children of men and women who work in corporations? It's really about us."

I don’t know if you have checked out this website out already but it brings some more extremist/conspiracy points about the alternative energy topic. Basically it claims that even if the ultimate alternative source was discovered today, we don't have enough oil energy left to implement the new technology into the global economy. And also that, a energy company would not want to begin iimplementing this technology until it became more profitable than oil even if they have already discovered it.

It's a little over the top in some respects but also makes some interesting points.
