[Tin Foil Hat Time] Conspiracy Theory

MrMeikel said:
I'm failing to see how/why, but if thats all you have to say then ok... I'll just back away slowly.

well you call me an alcoholic, I call you a necropheliac. You have about much proof as i do. It seems the tw way to judge people and jump on the bandwagon because someone else says so.
ScooBySnaCk said:
Thanks to the other threads I do have a theory I think is pretty much on line.

- with all the money put into cancer probably 10% goes into actual research. the rest in pockets. Who knows probably cure there but some huge drug company makes too much from cancer symptom type drugs.

You mean...like the pockets of researchers?
no conspiracy there...

the american cancer society has no interest whatsoever in finding a cure to cancer of any sort...

they can barely figure out how to spend their funding without having to give it up... it's a ridiculous racket that ppl just keep pumping money into...
I think that people who think things like this are 'tin foil hat' conspiracies, are the same people who believe they are 'free', and are also the same people that believe they actually matter to anyone in the corporate world for more than anything than a source of present and future revenue.

I think that there is probably a cure for diseases like AIDS..look at Magic Johnson. Do you REALLY think the only person that has so far been able to apparently hold back the onset of full blown hiv/aids just so happens to be a multi-millionaire? My..isnt that convenient?.
We live in a country that KNOWS that right across both our northern and southern borders, medicines that people in this country use every day can be gotten cheaper. They can be gotten cheaper in europe as well, yet our government, no doubt due to prodding from pharmaceutical lobbyists with veeery deep pockets, has outlawed getting those cheaper drugs to our people.

And you think that in this same country that does this, that they want to find a cure for a disease that not only controls the population somewhat, but also, for those that want to extend their life as much as possible (and who doesnt?) and have the means to do so, creates income of something like almost 650 a month even with insurance for all the medicines that are required?
Hmm...lets see, im a company who's sole purpose is to make money. Do i want to create a cure and charge patients a probably very low one time fee, and they are cured totally, or charge them 650 (and that number will grow later on) for the rest of their lives...wow..thats a tough one..let me think that over for a minute.

I think diseases like cancer are a little more tough to 'cure', but i think that it is very possible that they can cure most. My girl had pappilary thyroid cancer last year, and while she caught it early and everything, it is completely gone. Not in remission..gone. Now granted, that is a really 'light' version of cancer, but still.

However cancer is again another illness that generates LOTS of money. Why invent a pill or procedure to totally cure someone in one shot, when you can instead take 4-5 years of chemo, pills, visits, hospitilization, etc, etc. If they die..ah well..there's another 200 that will walk in the door any given week that can be done the same way
Scooby, if you want people to buy into your "conspiracy theory" you have to provide some kind of substantial evidence to support said theory other than your good word that "10% of cancer research money goes into actual research" and "we already have a alternative fuel source which has been proven but has been shut down by oil companies."
Rabid_Bear said:
Scooby, if you want people to buy into your "conspiracy theory" you have to provide some kind of substantial evidence to support said theory other than your good word that "10% of cancer research money goes into actual research" and "we already have a alternative fuel source which has been proven but has been shut down by oil companies."

wake up. you shouldn't need "facts" from Scooby... it's all right in front of your face... if you are too blind to see it then... Scooby's not going to convince you either.
Kingky said:
wake up. you shouldn't need "facts" from Scooby... it's all right in front of your face... if you are too blind to see it then... Scooby's not going to convince you either.
I guess I just don't buy into what the guy walking down the street blabs off without considering his credibility first. Maybe that's just me though...
JuggerNaught said:
I think that people who think things like this are 'tin foil hat' conspiracies, are the same people who believe they are 'free', and are also the same people that believe they actually matter to anyone in the corporate world for more than anything than a source of present and future revenue.

You make the false assumption that corporations are without conscience.

JuggerNaught said:
... our government, no doubt due to prodding from pharmaceutical lobbyists with veeery deep pockets, has outlawed getting those cheaper drugs to our people.

They haven't outlawed any such thing. What is your proof of this?

JuggerNaught said:
And you think that in this same country that does this, that they want to find a cure for a disease that not only controls the population somewhat, but also, for those that want to extend their life as much as possible (and who doesnt?) and have the means to do so, creates income of something like almost 650 a month even with insurance for all the medicines that are required?

Hmm...lets see, im a company who's sole purpose is to make money. Do i want to create a cure and charge patients a probably very low one time fee, and they are cured totally, or charge them 650 (and that number will grow later on) for the rest of their lives...wow..thats a tough one..let me think that over for a minute.

Again you make the false assumption that corporations are without conscience.

JuggerNaught said:
I think diseases like cancer are a little more tough to 'cure', but i think that it is very possible that they can cure most. My girl had pappilary thyroid cancer last year, and while she caught it early and everything, it is completely gone. Not in remission..gone. Now granted, that is a really 'light' version of cancer, but still.

You trump your own argument in regards to "corporations without conscience". Why didn't the corporations keep milking her for money?

JuggerNaught said:
However cancer is again another illness that generates LOTS of money.

No it doesn't, it costs a lot of money.

JuggerNaught said:
Why invent a pill or procedure to totally cure someone in one shot, when you can instead take 4-5 years of chemo, pills, visits, hospitilization, etc, etc. If they die..ah well..there's another 200 that will walk in the door any given week that can be done the same way

You know no such thing; you do not know that a cure can be invented for cancer in the form of a single pill or injection. You lie.
Rabid_Bear said:
Scooby, if you want people to buy into your "conspiracy theory" you have to provide some kind of substantial evidence to support said theory other than your good word that "10% of cancer research money goes into actual research" and "we already have a alternative fuel source which has been proven but has been shut down by oil companies."
For one..Hemp. There are already cars that run on hemp based fuels.

And if you go back to why marijuana was first made illegal, it wasn't because of any other reason because petroleum based products (such as nylon) couldn't make their way into the market because hemp based products were cheaper, easier to produce, and already totally dominated the market. Right now, to the dea there is no difference between hemp and marijuana, but technically, plant matter is plant matter, its the thc that is a controlled substance, but you'll get arrested for growing hemp.
Rabid_Bear said:
Scooby, if you want people to buy into your "conspiracy theory" you have to provide some kind of substantial evidence to support said theory other than your good word that "10% of cancer research money goes into actual research" and "we already have a alternative fuel source which has been proven but has been shut down by oil companies."
Rich people wanting more money is all the reason you need in a capitalist country.
Drug companies are ripping people off. Almost all breakthroughs happen in research departments of major universities. Those grad students then take out patents on what they discovered, and start up a biomedical company to sell their new drug. Rather than let them have a monopoly on a good product, the other companies will analyze the published papers from the research and the patents, and then make a substitute drug thats just slightly different enough to avoid being sued. Often, they are less safe or effective than the original drug.

So, when a drug company says the prices have to be high in order to pay for continuing research, punch them in the face. They are using that extra money to make copycat drugs, pay their lawyers to defend them from various lawsuits and copywrite infrigements, and purchase biotech companies that have a competing product to achieve a monopoly on curing certain diseases.
owner said:
You make the false assumption that corporations are without conscience.
:lol: You're retarded.

owner said:
You trump your own argument in regards to "corporations without conscience". Why didn't the corporations keep milking her for money?
Because she payed more money to get cured than they could get from her medication?
owner said:
You make the false assumption that corporations are without conscience.
Hmm..why would someone think that entites that regularly pollute the environment, knowingly produced toxic substances, have regularly outright stolen things like retirement funds, and blatantly produce products that are addictive as well as deadly for open sale on the market have no conscience..?

They haven't outlawed any such thing. What is your proof of this?
go to canada, buy some medicine...come across the border checkpoint, watch what happens.

Again you make the false assumption that corporations are without conscience.

You trump your own argument in regards to "corporations without conscience". Why didn't the corporations keep milking her for money?
show me one that has more than a token conscience

No it doesn't, it costs a lot of money.
It costs the patient a lot of money..not the hospital sunshine. Have you ever been in a hospital for an extended stay? In a place where asprin cost $6.00 a piece, and if they fuck up due to incompetence you cant even sue them...who do you think is getting fucked on the service vs cost debate?

You know no such thing; you do not know that a cure can be invented for cancer in the form of a single pill or injection. You lie.
and you dont know that it can't.
Amadeus said:
Because she payed more money to get cured than they could get from her medication?

The original argument was that corporations will keep a patient from getting cured.
Kingky said:
wake up. you shouldn't need "facts" from Scooby... it's all right in front of your face... if you are too blind to see it then... Scooby's not going to convince you either.

I like this man's thinking
owner said:
The original argument was that corporations will keep a patient from getting cured.
You're missing the fucking point, retard. Corporations are there to make money, and nothing more. They don't cure people because typically* it's not the most profitable way to go.

*unless the person in question is filthy rich and can offer enough money for the cure