There are 4 or 5 box designs in triples thread that are better than the Official one.

i only bought tribes 1 because of the slick two page ad in the PC mags. it's all about marketing and your fucking official box blows negro dick.
i was at EB/GameStop/Babbages, whatever the fuck its called, but anyways...
they had a T:V game box out to tell people to pre-order it and i liked at the pictures on the back, one of the pictures was of T2 :lol:
still my fav :shrug:
(by bluntzman)
Seriously, has Thrax or the current "brand manager" seen these comunity mock ups? I mean when you compare them side by side there is no contest.
Am i the only one who thinks it is just a fucking box who cares?

I know there may be some sales by people who see a pretty box, but by in large i doubt people go and pick a game at random to buy.
rukkus said:
i only bought tribes 1 because of the slick two page ad in the PC mags. it's all about marketing and your fucking official box blows negro dick.
Was that the one with the huge expansive outdoor shot with the aircraft and flying bases and blue skies and a sniper and shit?

Because if so, me too!

Oh, and #3 -- because #2 isn't, you know, BAD, but it's hackneyed and kind of average. It's a tradeoff -- #3 has better composition and is far more engaging, but #2 appears to tie in better with the single-player campaign.
dooster said:

shit yeah, this one is far superior. not like this thread or any other like it would make a difference, but I SIGN ANYWAY!


Blotter said:
still my fav :shrug:


this one also owns too. i would love it if they just took these straigt from the people who made em....

with regard to the 3 posted in this thread:

1 looks like metal gear like someone else said
2 looks too "fuzzy", my eyes dont know what to look at. its not clean.
3 just looks like the guy is being dragged on the ground and doesnt show enough action

all are better than "official" one tho
I really really like #1, I think i'll make my own box with that just for the heck of it.
#3 off the ground - get away from the enclosed doom atmosphere - let people know there is freedom in movement.. that'd sell me...

that's what interested me in the series, I was so hung up on the realism games, and then i got to jet around like an ass..
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