Tatoo advice

I'd only take tattoo advice from this guy


but he's dead
If you're going to get a tattoo get something stupid because chances are you're going to hate it later.
One chick i was banging had a hi-detailed dragon fly covering her back.

She just said she liked how it looked. :shrug:

It was kind of distracting looking at a bug tho when I'm giving it from behind.

Then she had her deceased brother's bday and death date on her shoulder blade w/ his skewed stretched face next to it.

That was probably more distracting tho than the giant dragon fly.

She ended up marrying some British bloke named Kale tho.

True story.
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I realize this isn't a serious thread, but my best advice about tattoos is seek out and pay for the best tattoo artist you can find or don't get it done at all. I have one tattoo on my back (thankfully small) where the artist called it in (it was just a simple black line art tattoo) and it didn't stand the test of time. Its too blurred to be seen clearly.