Tatoo advice

My tat above my heart so I can keep track of heart attacks

My tat above my heart so I can keep track of heart attacks


you could also use an app for that or write it down on a piece of paper or a white board or something.

i mean seriously, the only thing you are doing is giving the mortician a good laugh later, is it really worth it?
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I only have one tattoo, and it's on the inside of my left arm, just below the elbow. It's a simple muted color tattoo, and I don't think I have any social stigma for having a tattoo there. I also work and pay taxes like any other shlub. Thus, your chart is wrong.
you could also use an app for that or write it down on a piece of paper or a white board or something.

i mean seriously, the only thing you are doing is giving the mortician a good laugh later, is it really worth it?

It's good for a laugh and it's a away to deal with it with humor I guess. If you don't laugh you cry