T3: Hooked.

Tribes is all about mad speed and skiing (not coerced teamwork, epic scales and big ass bases). QIX's failure to appreciate this seriously set the franchise back.

The momentum grapple hugely accentuates what makes tribes cool: fast, aggressive, PRECISION skiing. The grapple gives us yet another tool to push the boundaries of skiing/jetpacks.

Think of the grapple in the context of TRIBES and not some other game that none of us can play for more than a month (i.e. Quake, UT, garbage, garbage).

What's not to like? The grapple's skill curve will be significant. The grapple will add a very interesting element to a FIVE year old game.

Such additions are needed - very few of us want to play the same game again. Better graphics and T1 physics won't make T:V a success.
Grappling hook would pwn.....


They could make special 'city' maps where ppl could swing around like spider man.. and hide behind buildings and stuff.. now that would be w33t.. or maybe not -_-"

edit: btw, looking at the heavy, he has 2 weapons to use. So having a grappling hook and a weapon at the same time would be inevitable, unless the game requires you to use two hands to hold on
Flatscan said:
People who say tow/grapple hooks don't work in a game built around skiing have never been skiing :/.

Yeah, obviously if someone has a differing opinion, they've never done the amazing things in Tribes you have...?

I think baseball would be a better game if we gave the players jumping boots so they can evade tags.

And basketball would rock if we gave all the players shotguns.

Ice hockey would fucking own if the puck randomly changed places all the time.

Realize that a grappling hook may be impossible to balance correctly and could possibly ruin a good style of play. I realize that it looks like a wonderful fun idea, but in practice it may not work as well. I would rather have the T:V team working on the things that made Tribes great first, and leaving stuff like this for a mod.
Grappling hook worked very well in various Quake mods, so why not in Tribes? Besides we need something new to learn, and have fun with.
GigaFool said:
Realize that a grappling hook may be impossible to balance correctly and could possibly ruin a good style of play. I realize that it looks like a wonderful fun idea, but in practice it may not work as well. I would rather have the T:V team working on the things that made Tribes great first, and leaving stuff like this for a mod.

Giga that's what betas are for. I don't think grapples will be any harder to balance than skiing for different armor types.

My "big picture" point is that we should try lots of this stuff. A number of great ideas (in addition to the grapple) have been proposed. I would very much like to see them tested in beta.

If they don't work, take them out.

Trust me - you and I both want to see T:V rock :p.
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I fear change and will keep my bushes

I think implementing the grappling hook as envisaged by Special on the first post would be a cool gimmick. At the same time, I think it would be hard to pull off in the first place (the implementation and controls, not the actual maneuver) and would be damaging to gameplay.

It doesn't really need to be there and imo would take away from skiing and/or vehicles...as well as shifting the game totally to a grab and chase game and almost totally eliminating combat.

The one good thing imo to come out of Tribes 2 was an increased amount of combat.
It's of my opinion that anything that adds extra freedom of movenment, and can be balanced, is a good thing.

I know a grapple sounds gimmicky, but T:V isn't being based off of t1 or t2. If you think of it like that, then a hook just may have a place in the game.

I at least wouldn't mind seeing it in some of the single player missions -- I'm sure they can use that for a testing ground of all sorts of crazy crap.

Then just let KP decide what he thinks will work best from what they have in SP. I invest a lot of trust into him, and if he can make a grappling hook work, then I'm totally for it.
I don't think its any more gimicky than skiing or jetpacks.

We've come to accept both skiing and jetbacks as an integral part of Tribes, but there clearly was a time when most gamers would *yawn* at both concepts.

If the grapple is problematic as a combat weapon, one idea would be to make it such that it can't grab on to people.

All of the issues raised so far seem manageable to me.
Flatscan said:
If the grapple is problematic as a combat weapon, one idea would be to make it such that it can't grab on to people.

It wouldn't be used as a combat weapon. It would simply be a tool too increase mobility, speed, and options to the player.

If the T3 dev could pull off a tow line type device with good physics and skill required, it could put new life into the Tribes franchise. I seriously hope the T3 devs consider the addition of a tow line.
imagine the possibilites of the grappling hook on a level like stonehenge. imagine using nat's infamous route and combinding it with a hook...
the circle is the player
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