T3: Hooked.

Imposter said:
I think the idea of a game w/ a grappling hook is cool, however I don't feel a tribes game is the right game for it.
We're not talking about a quake2-style propulsion system, were talking about an angular momentum-changing system.

There is no other game ever that I can think of that could implement this type of system.
Void|deadjawa said:
We're not talking about a quake2-style propulsion system, were talking about an angular momentum-changing system.

There is no other game ever that I can think of that could implement this type of system.
The angular/momentum changing reminds me of Rocket Jockey:
... you play a futuristic combatant who rides a powerful rocket in an enclosed arena. Armed with steel cables that shoot out of either side of your rocket, your mission is to eliminate the computer controlled opponent from competition. Snatch the other players off their vehicles and take them out for a drag, or grab bombs and fling them into the other rockets. Just don't let them swing around and hit you first! Cables can hook into walls or obstacles for tighter steering.
You pivetted by launching your hook into the ground or an in-field obstical and you could spin around using your thrust. I only played the demo back in the day, and heard the final product was buggy, but vs mode was fun enough to have my bro and I going at eachother for a few weeks. [some screens]

I didn't like the idea of jetpacks and a hookline at first, but it's starting to grow on me. :]
It's a pretty neat idea, but I agree with a couple other people here: While it's not like your traditional Quake grappling hook, it doesn't 'feel' like it would belong in a Tribes game.

It's funny though, when I was reading that first paragraph, I could totally picture what you were talking about, the swinging momentum and everything- like, picture perfect. You write well :)
I think a tow rope/grappling hook would be perfect for T3, and a solid addition to the advanced movement system. I would love to see this idea implemented in T3.

The only thing is, that whole rope and its physics would probably be tough to program. What if a guy grapples, but doesnt let go and the rope collides with another object, would his trajectory change accordingly? It should, but it might be tough to implement.
Yeah, i'm sure its a bit scary to consider all the varibles with rope tangles and stuff. Might be better to simply leave that out. But I do think that if someone doesnt release the cord in time and they go face first into a wall that they should take considierable damage.
That Wave Rider game (I forget it's exact name) for the playstation had a grappling hook for corners so you could whip around pinpoint turns at high speed.
I had an idea similar to this, but it was more an idea of a weapon to replace the elf.

My idea was another hit-scan energy weapon, but was more team-oriented than the ELF. I propose a weapon that is more of an electrical tether than a weapon. The base of the T2 ELF would remain the same as it would be super easy to use. Upon two players tethering the one firing gains some control over the other, being able to sort of "fling" their teammate to some degree. The trade off would be a decrease in distance but a gain in angular speed. If really wanted (though it might bring in the gayness off the elf) it could be made into a tractor beam type weapon, where you could slow down an escaping enemy while they remained in range.

The weapon itself could be balanced by:
Range: Decreasing/Increasing the distance at which it can hook onto another player.
Power: Amount of influence the gun has on the player you hook.
Team: Decide if this is a team only weapon used to give you teammate some speed or a neutral weapon that can be used to boost or drag at the user's discretion.
Slot: Perhaps only make the weapon work on teammates with the weapon in their loadout as well?

Hell even if this was just in another gametype like TR2 it would ROCK.

I'm fairly sure this weapon is possible in T2 now, but I don't know nor do I care to learn that much about T2 scripting to do it.
I think this is something that would require a lot of work to balance correctly, especially considering how many gamers love to find any sort of bug or trick in a game feature, and then exploit it to the nth degree.

It may turn out that the grappling hook is best suited for a mod, not the base gametype.
JuSTCHiLLiN said:
That Wave Rider game (I forget it's exact name) for the playstation had a grappling hook for corners so you could whip around pinpoint turns at high speed.
Jet Moto. And thanks for reminding me about that game, I'd almost forgotten it.
Sir Lucius said:
Also a little off topic, but the game should include wall crashing damage -- if you hit a wall at 400 mph it should squash you and you should take damage. They didn't have this in tribes 2 for some reason (probably didn't think you'd go fast enough).

t2 has impact damage, i even get kills sometimes from body blocking ppl if theyre going fast enough
I totally support the idea of a grapple hook.
I always thought of it as a reusable hook, you launch, it comes back to you and you can launch it again...

BTW, what happens when two people both hook onto the flag carrier? And from opposite directions?
Simple, your mate hooks on as well and it turns into a Tribes based 'tug-o-war'. That would look hella funny.

The hook would also need limited distance, unlimited distance is stupid. I can just see a route where the capper stuffs up with the grapple hook. Accidentally shooting below him and then 3 seconds later getting the whole whiplash effect (thanks to ragdoll physics).

This sorta reminds me of the teleporter in UT. I'm pretty sure other people have tried this, but you shoot the teleporter disc thingo and then teleport and you repeat that. Except you keep shooting into the air. After a while you could get pretty high to reach those hard to get to places.

And as R@NDOM said earlier, a map where the grapple is a key element, the whole spiderman cities, would 0wn!
But i agree, I think a quake 2 type grapple hookshot type thing would be so gay. #1 because it would replace the jetpack, not supplement it. #2 it would set a speed cap of sorts. #3 realisticly no grappling hook could ever retract and propel a person forward with the kinds of momentums you see in tribes.
Tractor beam. Grapple of any kind would be extremely worthless when there are jump jets in the game. No Tribes does not have jet packs it has jump jets, theres a huge difference.

ZOD said:
Tractor beam. Grapple of any kind would be extremely worthless when there are jump jets in the game. No Tribes does not have jet packs it has jump jets, theres a huge difference.

Have you read our posts? Were not talking about Quake2 grapple here, were talking about a momentum type REAL grappler.

And no, ugh. A tractor beam would be terrible.
It could be neat for another gametype though, even if it wasn't in CTF. Think of TR2 with the ability to swing around or fling your teammates. Man that would be cool.