T3: Hooked.

Mooley said:
How is a grappling hook going to be "overpowered"? :rofl:

Are you suggesting that utility equipment, such as the GH can't be overpowered? :rofl: Because it easily can be.

To illustrate this point, consider a GH that pulls a player forward with a force equal to three times the force exerted by a typical disk jump. *That* would be overpowered.
Yeah but you'd obviously have to tweak that in the code to balance and I don't think the devs are going to make this a overpowered weapon just because of it's nature. The potential of the GH is still yet to be fully understood. I didn't agree with the overpower assumption in the light that sunblest brung it up but I assume that it has more of a passive function instead of an aggresive one.

blah blah blah