[T:V]A Reminder to all players

WorstAim said:
I will O-Snipe you any time I see you in a server rosdower, just to piss you off because you seem to think you can make up rules for a game that isn't out yet. Same goes with you aol. Just learn to deal with it guys, it's part of the game.

sry, those were the rules before i started to play tribes.
And what about those evil bastiches who choose to snipe themselves out of bounds, eh? I hate them the most... LOSERS!!!!!!!!

I run up for the easy kill, and they zap themselves off just as I get there... They should ALL be hung... ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heheh all the members don't know why there is a rule and all the vets refuse to explain it.

This outta be a fun release.

See, most of the vets here have played pubs for a LONG time. We no longer really care if we win or not, rather having a good time. O-snipers are just pests. They don't add too the experience of a pub, and many believe they are a wasted offensive spot too. Yes, we know how to defeat and avoid them...but thats not the point. The point is to have fun past the normal install life of a game.

So if you really want to play against the best of the best, you might think about accepting the no o-snipe rule since they will more than likely be playing on vet controlled servers and will kick/ban if you don't follow the rules. Otherwise, enjoy getting owned in matches when the vets roll over you because you lack any experience with people who know how to play.
people that say "member member HAHAHA I"M A NERD IN REAL LIFE SO JUMP ON MY BANDWAGON VETS" -- you sound like a bunch of fraternity boys when you start with the "member card" just like black people start with the "race card." When you're back into a corner, just say "member" and your "people" will get your back homie. Some of you Fukcing retards are getting ready to get a huge rude awakening, it's going to be awesome.
vawlk said:
Heheh all the members don't know why there is a rule and all the vets refuse to explain it.

This outta be a fun release.

See, most of the vets here have played pubs for a LONG time. We no longer really care if we win or not, rather having a good time. O-snipers are just pests. They don't add too the experience of a pub, and many believe they are a wasted offensive spot too. Yes, we know how to defeat and avoid them...but thats not the point. The point is to have fun past the normal install life of a game.

So if you really want to play against the best of the best, you might think about accepting the no o-snipe rule since they will more than likely be playing on vet controlled servers and will kick/ban if you don't follow the rules. Otherwise, enjoy getting owned in matches when the vets roll over you because you lack any experience with people who know how to play.

yep, also Osniping causes turtles 9 times outta 10
p9Morbid said:
people that say "member member HAHAHA I"M A NERD IN REAL LIFE SO JUMP ON MY BANDWAGON VETS" -- you sound like a bunch of fraternity boys when you start with the "member card" just like black people start with the "race card."
Umm ok, don't think I came close to conveying that, but whatever.

When you're back into a corner, just say "member" and your "people" will get your back homie. Some of you Fukcing retards are getting ready to get a huge rude awakening, it's going to be awesome.
Heard that before.
vawlk said:
Umm ok, don't think I came close to conveying that, but whatever.

Heard that before.
I don't think he was talking about you, I think he was talking about all the members being jackasses.

P.s. In reference to my earlier post, hanged.
°~Gn0m3_Gr0wN~° said:
is it going to be used in matches, then stfu

Just because its valid in matches doesnt make it ok in a pub. You can turtle in a match but you sure as hell dont do it on any pubs do you? If you do you should be shot you stupid shazbot
Holy shazbotola! Why is the "member" grammar level so low? You can tell the member messages from non-member messages just by looking at the degree of decent english in the post.

Anyway, here's the lowdown on o-sniping, for you obnoxious o-snipers.. As stated, a tactical, coordinated o-snipe can work wonders. If you are coordinating with somebody to take out a key individual on the other team at a key moment, more power to you. If you pull that crap off in a pub, it means you are galvanizing some real teamplay, and I would hope you don't get kicked for it.

That said, if you are just doing your own thing, and decide it'd be best to suit up, run behind enemy lines, and o-snipe, prepare to be on the losing team. If your team wins, it's only because the rest of your team is able to make up for your suckiness--which is entirely possible.

Here's what o-snipers do:
- they cause a 5 second downtime to whoever they hit, and they can only effectively attack one defender ever 10 seconds or so
- they at most distract two defenders, but generally only one
- o-sniper lifespan is about 1 minute, because they typically o-snipe because they are not good at more beneficial tasks, so the only way they can boost their personal score (selfish) is by taking cheap potshots at stationary defenders, so when somebody duels them, they inevitably lose

For all you people saying o-sniping it hard.. DUH! So is playing using only the knife. It's also stupid. It's the wrong tool or the wrong job. Take your pick. I wouldn't grudge a newbie for doing it all the same. Newbies should start out doing whatever makes them the most comfortable and have the most fun. But anyone who plays for a while should know better.
My favorite thing to do to an O sniper is to whip out a buckler, stand there and draw a bead on his head.

Rebound snipes... Killed one guy so far.
yeah, then they start pissing and moaning that the buckler is overpowered (false) that the laser sould be instant (possibly no) and that a headshot on a heavy should one hit kill (hell no). gotta love the fileplanet CS guys, huh. :)
I have a license to use any weapon the developers put in the game in any square inch of the tiny maps that they put in beta. I'm gonna go practice snipping.
Yes O snipers are a pain they always have been. Although im yet to see how they impact the game in T:V I reckon the 10 ammo limit should to an extent limit its offencive potential outright.

But the quick solution to O sniping is the same as always D snipe thier ass back to spawn a few times and they will soon get tired off it. And now with the added addition of the buckler this leads to yet more fun ways to piss O snipers off.

PS: I have not played beta yet so my opinon isnt worth shazbot