Survivor 2015 - Blue Collar vs White Collar vs No Collar

mike made mistakes but i would disagree that he didnt play the better game. i think winning immunity is part of playing. and while he did piss off a bunch of people he still won their votes. he was a prime target for A LONG time and survived.

Yea winning immunity or finding idols is a part of the game, but in my opinion being immune for pretty much the entire game doesn't make you deserving of the title. Fortune definitely favored Mike for the latter half of the game. Every immunity was basically a physical, any puzzles seemed stupidly simple, and his only remaining physical threat was Rodney who never got a single reward meal and was obviously gassed from that. Mike winning is basically an unlikable Tom from Palau, never really having to play the game.

Basically Mike won because No-Collar didn't like Mama C, Shirin was always going to vote for Mike, Tyler was bitter at Mama C, Dan's a pussy, and Rodney's a moron. Gameplay wasn't a factor in any of their votes.
Jen made the speech, but she was obviously just as bitter because Mike did not play the better game. He alienated the entire jury, openly went back on his word for an advantage he didn't get anyway which lost the trust of a 5 man alliance that he led, and only made the finals due to an unprecedented immunity run.

I am a little surprised though that at the reunion Mike didn't call out his "alliance" for the sub-alliance that was plotting his early exit. He endured weeks of hatred for his paranoid moves that turned out to not be paranoid at all, and those same people then had the gall to be bitter towards him for "flipping" on them.

Also how the fuck did Shirin make the Second Chance cast?

This 100x. Bunch of butthurt kids. Just as bad as when Russell got to the final.

Shirin is a worthless, annoying player. Would have happily taken the professor back for next season. But she played her victim card all season long and got the sympathy votes for a second chance.

I also laughed at Will's 'apology.' "I'm sorry my words hurt you."
Yea I've never seen such a snide victim. She never missed an opportunity to remind everyone about her tragic past or how much smarter she was about the game of survivor. She didn't make the jury because she was smart, she made the jury because nobody gave enough of a shit to get rid of her before then.
Which makes this cast seem even more stupid. "This was a season of players!" lol fuckoff
Koh Rong Island in Cambodia is the home to the 31st and 32nd editions of Survivor, but despite it’s beauty and exotic locale the climate has been described as a “nightmare”. Sources have claimed that members of both the cast and crew became sick, and some crew members were even sent home due to illness. Infections spread due to bug bites and surgery was required for both cast and crew. Temperatures soared to almost 120 degrees at certain points during filming, causing extreme exhaustion and discomfort for everyone involved.

Apparently they just finished filming Season 32 (Brains, Brawn, Beauty II), with Second Chance leaving to go film right now, but Second Chance will air first as Season 31. They're saying it's the worst conditions they've ever filmed in, worse than Marquesas and Guatemala. Must really suck for the final 2/3 of BBBII to have to wait an entire year to know who wins.
Apparently they just finished filming Season 32 (Brains, Brawn, Beauty II), with Second Chance leaving to go film right now, but Second Chance will air first as Season 31. They're saying it's the worst conditions they've ever filmed in, worse than Marquesas and Guatemala. Must really suck for the final 2/3 of BBBII to have to wait an entire year to know who wins.
that format struck me as odd, it necessitated an early shake-up just like this season.

make brawn sound like they are more athletic but the beauty players are all in shape, obviously.
Also it's basically the same concept as White/Blue/No. You had a tribe of smart people who immediately cannibalized one another, a group of hard working athlete types whose leader wound up winning, and a group of vapid laid-back types who got picked off easily.

Personally I say ditch the "Beauty" and just do Brains vs Brawn, where all the athletes are on one team and all the puzzle people are on the other. Hell make the challenges Hard Obstacle Easy Puzzle for Brawn and Easy Obstacle Hard Puzzle for Brains.
The three tribe format makes for much better TV and more shakeups. Strictly Brains vs. Brawn would restrict that.
In a two tribe format, floaters have somewhere to hide. Most players coming out of the game that have played before say the three tribe format definitely makes the have to play from the get go. The early 20 seasons were crippled by the two tribe format.
Yea winning immunity or finding idols is a part of the game, but in my opinion being immune for pretty much the entire game doesn't make you deserving of the title. Fortune definitely favored Mike for the latter half of the game. Every immunity was basically a physical, any puzzles seemed stupidly simple, and his only remaining physical threat was Rodney who never got a single reward meal and was obviously gassed from that. Mike winning is basically an unlikable Tom from Palau, never really having to play the game.

Basically Mike won because No-Collar didn't like Mama C, Shirin was always going to vote for Mike, Tyler was bitter at Mama C, Dan's a pussy, and Rodney's a moron. Gameplay wasn't a factor in any of their votes.
Agree with this 100%.

Kind of a disappointing season. It was okay overall, definitely better than some. I dunno, it just didn't feel like there were that many significant moves. More like, "Well, Mike won again.. we're voting off [x], right?" for every episode.

Kind of annoying seeing Mike win so much, not even for winning, but because it made him seem like some challenge master, when I think his victories had more to do with exhausted, incompetent competition. Compare him against Ozzy in Cook Islands - Ozzy would destroy him, and probably Tom would too, and a bunch of others.

Anyway, the cast for the Second Chance thing looks ok. Glad Spencer and Stephen Fishbach are playing, plus a few others. Not looking forward to more Shirin. I get enough SJW bullshit in the news, thanks very much.
Right, they had their chance at the ball maze and blew it. Just about everyone (except Rodney) had a shot at the maze. Dan was trying to skip his ball over the drops and missed, then got frustrated. Same thing with the advantage reward. The others kept falling off the balance beam dropping their tiles.

I was saying a few pages back, if I was going to be on that show, I'd train as a gymnast for balance, and arm strength. A couple of those challenges require grip strength in the hands, one holding a rope while leaning back, the other a metal wheel with weight pulling it.