[STEAM]Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

You really need to stop letting your gauge run out. It takes way longer to recharge.

yea I learned that fairly early on, think i only burnt it out once in those battles on an escort while I was distracted by the pretty map

gonna play some more today, if anyone wants a game get @ me on Steam :)
Found a saved game editor to edit your offline (solo) admirals so you don't have to level them by grinding out solo/custom or the campaign game if you want.

Steam Forum Post About the tool.

It's a straightforward command line editor with simple menu-driven actions. You can set your Admiral to Level 8 (Max) and give him 100,000 reknown to test out fleet setups.

I'll probably get the game.

Kind of hoping there's a Worth-A-Buy review for it out soon.
Bad Habits - Hard to break.

I am a professed filthy-casual when it comes to RTS games... I have always just relied on clicking on things instead of utilizing my keyboard macros. I have found this game to be a bit too much for clicking alone, without the keyboard.... so I have begun striving to break that habit.

I broke out my G13 and bound as many keyboard shortcuts to it as I could... even still, the habit is hard to break and I catch myself clicking the tool bar despite the macro button being under my thumb.
I have a mouse with a million buttons too, definitely useful!

I'd recommend sticking with the keyboard for all the maneuvering though - AAF, Retros and HETs are Q, Z and E respectively, which are right next to WASD which you're already using for the camera
I was interested in the Naga, but it feels horrible. The mouse is raised up too much and the buttons on the side are too far back so you only really awkwardly press them with the middle joint of your thumb.

Corsair and Logitech make them too. The Corsair has an adjustable button panel that slides to accommodate different hands.

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I liked a lot of what DoW2 did but I also didn't stick with it for nearly as long as I did DoW1.
I didn't play dow2 around release, although I watched my little brother play a bit and thought it looked great but too hard for me

got into the dow2 Elite mod a bit recently though, after watching some sick INDRID CASTS youtube vids. I'll post one up when i get to a computer...

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