[STEAM]Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

I've had my eye on this. The previews for the game look good. I love 40K but never read much about the space battle stuff.

How can Orcs go to space if they are so stupid?
Looks like there is a lot going on in the videos. I just hope the game is slow enough that you can still comprehend all the stats and do everything you need to do without having to learn a bunch of shortcuts or map out macros.
You configure your ships prior to battle. You collect, unlock and upgrade ships along with their crews and captains by earning reknown from battles.

When you enter a battle, you are allotted a specific number of fleet points. You pick ships to assemble the fleet you wish to enter the battle with.

During combat, much of the interface resembles a familiar RTS UI and controls. There is a "bullet time" mode you can activate that slows down time allowing you to micromanage individual ships and their special skills and equipment. Otherwise, the game plays out in real time.
I'm looking forward to you assholes playing elite mod dawn of war two
And also you not stopping playing this after two weeks
I've had my eye on this. The previews for the game look good. I love 40K but never read much about the space battle stuff.

How can Orcs go to space if they are so stupid?

literally Orcs are inherently "psychic", the more of them there are the stronger their psychic mumbo jumbo works together, they believe something works thus it does.... its why their guns are little more than scrap metal welded together that works as guns.

Strap rockets to a rock and it'll fly because they believe it will fly.

They'd be the strongest race alive if they actually knew they were psychic or cared about anything more than Mor Dakka!!!!
Still very buggy/crashy apparently (I've watched plenty of streams with people crashing nearly every game).
Other than that it looks good, there's a healthy amount of people going "THIS IS UNBALANCED" and "THIS GAME IS DOOMED" which I associate with a game I will probably enjoy.

Also the sound of two ships colliding is pretty great.
nurgle favors you say?
im in
father nurgle loves his spess chillin

also need the nid hive fleet

"Fifteen Orks on a dead man’s hulk,

Lookin’ down the barrel of a gun,

Gruntin’ to each other

through big, sharp teeth,

Sayin’ “This one’ll give us some fun”

Fourteen Orks on a humie’s ship,

Killin’ anything that isn’t green,

Gruntin’ to each other

through big, sharp teeth,

Sayin’ “Times be getting’ lean”

Thirteen Orks with the Captain’s chest,

Hopin’ to quench their greedy thirst,

Gruntin’ to each other

through big, sharp teeth

Sayin’ “I was da wun dat saw it first”

One lone Ork left to steal the loot,

Wishin’ it hadn’t turned out so,

Gruntin’ to itself

through big, sharp teeth

Sayin’ “I shoulda let the pilot go”

- Traditional shipmens’ song from the Cyclops Cluster"
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I have not encountered any stability issues with the game crashing on me. However, I haven't played any MP games. I think the crashes people are encountering are from network glitches. people who are reporting crashes, crashed during MP.

The only issues I've noticed are some issues with artwork assets and some graphical settings behaving oddly. Performance might not be optimized as well as it should(could) be. Anti-Aliasing doesn't appear to do what I would expect Anti-Aliasing to normally do. Some object models have texture bugs. Nothing serious, just typical polishing tasks to clean up.

I've also seen people complaining about the MP progression mechanic and wanting it removed. Since you have to earn the Reknown you use to upgrade and unlock your ships with, it's possible that your opponent has a ships he's completely upgraded while you only have basic ships. I guess that could be considered unfair.
Well from the looks of it the point system needs some adjustment.
I think the main gripe people have is that when half your fleet is destroyed, it can still throw you into 600 point games with people who still have all their upgraded ships available.
I thought the idea of the point system was to balance that out so that you would be able to just bring more ships (which I guess is possible with the escorts but most of those die to a light breeze), but from what I've seen there doesn't seem to be that huge a point difference from an upgraded ship, so you just end up with a flat out worse fleet (even in 300 point games). I've seen some point variations where someone's fleet somehow bumps it up to a weird number (like 630) but I think the whole thing needs another balancing pass.
It does encourage you to not let your ships get blown up, which I feel is something that a lot of games don't try to do and is actually an interesting design bit, but the RNG can screw you with stuff like "lost in the warp" for like 3 games.

I think people are griping that the Skirmish mode also has progression, so you never actually get to practice and test out all your stuff (hopefully the custom game thing will address that).
I guess a lot of people just want a matchmaker for straight up 1500 point battles without any of the progression mechanics, but the developer's intent is very much that MP should be like a big Escalation game.
Honestly though, I think as long as they get the custom games going and people can do matchmaking on that, I don't see what everyone's all up in arms about.

Other than that it all just seems like a lot of balance issues. Some mission types seem quite unfair (like the transport defence, or the space station defense that gives you only 300 points vs 600).
And voices. I cannot understand why they have so many barks for just selecting ships, but you don't have any for important things like "our engines just blew up" or "all our guns blew up and we're just a floating hunk of metal"

It's looking good though, but I'd say wait for reviews because they have a lot of stuff to sort out and I'm a bit skeptical they will have the time without delaying release.
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game has a lot of potential if they keep working on it and fine tuning I reckon :roller: looking forward to playing more when I have time