[StarWars] Rogue One - Trailer

I dislike how they make it sound like every other take a criminal and make them work for you plot.

It should have started with a line like...

"You've fought, cheated and robbed your way across seven star systems, with a special talent for forging Imperial documents. There are bounties on you head from Courascont to the Richi Maze. Even some of the lesser Hutt have taken an interest..."

"I'm a rebel. I rebel."

Come on. It sounds like Disney can't write Star Wars. They need to switch gears before this becomes some weird pattern of scripts. I can see this becoming a South Park episode where Someone at Disney asks a Canadian writer to make it lame.

And then the muppet's head flips up as he says, "We can make it lame. We can make it waaaaaaaaayyy lame!"
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The Officers in the Galactic Empire are a cross between diabolical German Nazi Villainy and Stoic British Imperialism.

They project the over-confidence that comes from an absolute sense of superiority. Nothing says that better than a proper kings-english accent while dressed in Jackboots and Jodhpurs.
and a black stormtrooper

to be fair, every big budget movie is essentially art by committee
Which is why most big budget movies are fucking awful.

Darth Emo fucking sucked ass.

as for the female lead, well at least she's not some mammoth hog beast, or worse a black mammoth hog beast.

Just wait. That's going to be Han Solo's wife in the Adventures Of Young Han Solo, coming Christmas 2018!
I figured Han would grapple with his feminist side and consider a sex change operation, but Han frees a young wookie who changes his mind.
Han will end up being a troubled LGBTI youth who is saved from his indecision by being raped by wookies which turns his tastes forever
i mean if honest upstanding white folks stopped going to see the liberaled up test market horseshit it would stop happening

the problem is they whine and pay to see it anyway which to disney sounds like "they pay to see it anyway"
People who whine about too much diversity are as annoying as those whining about not enough.

Just put good actors in good roles with good writing and I don't care about diversity.
In other news, Jake Lloyd who played Anakin in The Phantom Menace was just transferred from jail to a mental institution for schizophrenia treatment
In other news, Jake Lloyd who played Anakin in The Phantom Menace was just transferred from jail to a mental institution for schizophrenia treatment

Anakin (Episode 1) No one can kill a Jedi!

Anakin (Episode 3) You can totally kill a Jedi. You can kill all of them in fact, even the little ones.
think of how bad that kids parents must be

they sold their kid who couldn't act to george lucas, made him the mockery of a generation, he was addicted to crack by the time episode 2 hit, and now he has schizophrenia and jail and he's 27

instead of the single lump sum of 200k they got from lucas they could have taught him to write php and let him make $50k a year for the rest of his life
The kid did end up going to college and all that. I think being crazy was always just in the cards due to genetics. He dropped the public sight pretty early on so he had a good shot at having a normal life.
i have no idea how his contract was in terms of royal$

but knowing George Lucas so well, I'd guess it was near 0

poor people get quickly in serious trouble

this was another life George Lucas have ruined


including us

