[StarWars] Rogue One - Trailer

The last movie was fucking horrendous. I'd sooner watch Episode I again.

I use movies like these as a standard to judge how retarded someone is if I hear them talking about it.

If you paid for the last movie or are paying for this one, you're bottom of the barrel.
I dislike how they make it sound like every other take a criminal and make them work for you plot.

It should have started with a line like...

"You've fought, cheated and robbed your way across seven star systems, with a special talent for forging Imperial documents. There are bounties on you head from Courascont to the Richi Maze. Even some of the lesser Hutt have taken an interest..."

"I'm a rebel. I rebel."

Come on. It sounds like Disney can't write Star Wars. They need to switch gears before this becomes some weird pattern of scripts. I can see this becoming a South Park episode where Someone at Disney asks a Canadian writer to make it lame.

And then the muppet's head flips up as he says, "We can make it lame. We can make it waaaaaaaaayyy lame!"


How dare you.
who cares that the main chars werea chick and a black guy

dam u guys r so sensitive

its just a movei about space wars fuck
how much of that horrible dialogue was due to george dipshit lucas tho

I'm not even sure if he was miscast for the part.

I doubt even Ian McShane could read that and make it sound good.

Like, nobody could.

Seriously? I don't like sand?

Yeah, as awful as Hayden was in that...

I realized that I watched "Jumper" years after without realizing it was him.

The movie was nothing special, but I moderately enjoyed it, and I never remembered Hayden standing out as being bad. If anything, he did his job well for what it was.

Episode 1 was so bad, I don't think any super talented actors anywhere could have made it not suck.

I blame Lucas.

But, regardless of all of that, you gotta admit that clip is farking hilarious. I donno, I can't watch it without laughing. Shit is super funny.

Like when McGregor busts out that "killing younglings" line. It's just lol.

I liked the 3rd one, once they went darker and away from teenage angsts it was a better series. Even 3 was shit really tho.
The writing was fucking terrible in all 3 prequels, which no matter what they got right visually or from a story part was always undermined when someone started speaking.

TFA wasn't amazing but looked good and had mostly unoffensive writing that managed to at the least not distract from the all the nostalgia.
There were a lot of good actors in those movies... well known and accomplished names.

There is only so much you can do with bad dialogue and editing.
How have you become such an angry, and likely really lonely, little man?
Progressives are a literal modern-day scourge and will literally (double usage required) end modern, free, civilized society; all white people essentially. Jews are a massive threat, but niggers and muslims, and eventually most niggers will be muslims, will consume the entire world.

The darker the skin, the dumber they are and the more they recklessly breed. Africa has a billion fucking people and they're all poor and dumb as bricks. India has 1.4 billion. China is next to them, but at least they're making some attempts at reigning it in. We only have 330m in the US. 13% are dumb blacks. Another 30% are barely smarter than niggers, spics. Europe is being consumed with niggers and arabs. No one mass migrates to their countries, only to white ones... and progressives encourage it, even to their own demise.

Progressives should be shit on (and eventually wiped out) whenever and wherever possible. Unfortunately, the only thing saving them, is the one religion they bash the most: Christianity. If it weren't for Christianity, no other race on the face of the planet would exist besides maybe asian variants. If it weren't for Christianity fooling masses of white people into using feelings instead of rational logic.

So what I'm saying is that you're a dumb piece of shit. So I will shit on you and your kin whenever possible.
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Validuz;18584150 So what I'm saying is that you're a dumb piece of shit. So I will shit on you and your kin whenever possible.[/QUOTE said:
So what you're actually saying is that you're part of the 30% that you mentioned and that we should be happy that you can form full sentences and hopefully know how to wipe yourself.