Sorry guys, I'm gonna live


Veteran XV
I know some of you guys was hoping the cancer would kill me, and I respect you for that. Unfortunately, finished chemo end of October, and did the first 6 month scan last month, and talked to the oncologist Wednesday, and the cancer is gone.

But don't give up hope. I have to have scans every few months for the next 2 years. I might just get the cancer back again.

I didn't get off scot free. The bone ends surrounding my right chest where they took out the infection from the first port have worked themselves loose. So now when I raise my right arm I have bone ends trying to stick out in weird directions. It's something great to do at parties. I love the look on people's faces as they try not to puke as my bones go sticking up under my skin. Weee.

Also, the chemo caused my hands and feet to permanently feel like they are asleep with the pins and needles sensation. Not all the time, just whenever I touch something. So walking is fun. Luckily I didn't get chemo brain (which I didn't find out about till halfway through the treatments). Turns out the chemo can cause your brain to zombify. And you walk around without being able to concentrate on anything. Which can be permanent.

Lastly, wasn't able to find a lawyer to sue the hospital that caused my infection and then sent me home untreated. Seems that unless the lawyers can get 6 figures from a case they are not interested. Too much trouble proving "causation". Plus me being disabled to begin with meant they couldn't sue for lost wages or medical bills. So I just had to suck it up. And let it go. Though if I ever do end up with a terminal illness 2 of the people on my "kill before I die" list will be from St. Luke's KC.

So, again, I am sorry I didn't die on you guys. I know how much that would have meant to you. I will try real hard in the future. One of these days I will succeed.

Till then....
the precautionary scans and radiation will cause it to come back

on the bright side - we all gonna die it doesn't make you different or specially singled out
odio was indian doctors

this guy posted this thread and everyone was like "wow that sucks sorry man" and now he's like hahaha u hoped i died but i didn't