So, Tom Cruise is Gay...

Gangrel said:
that would ruin the whole "in like flynn" thing... im pretty sure he was known as a ladies man

Actually. Yes he was. One of his ex-wives used to live here 9in town. Forget her name now though.
Actually a family friend of ours is also a magazine writer. She told me the exact same thing.

Well think about this ladies and gents. Before Penelope Cruz got with Tom, she was a nobody. Now she's a superstar (almost). Same with Katie Holmes. Before, she was mainly a TV star. Now she's thrust into the spotlight because she's out with Cruise.

Also, him and Nicole have two kids, but they are adopted. Tom Cruise IS gay. He strikes deals with women who want fame, and in exchange for them being seen with Tom Cruise, he gets to be seen with them and cement his straight image and laugh all the way to the bank after fucking his secret boyfriends.

Please name me ONE female that he's dated that was a superstar BEFORE she dated him. (long-term only!)
XandraX said:
Because Jesus never hung out with prostitutes and criminals, right?

Mary wasn't a prostitute. The Church just made everyone believe she was. (I swear, I'm not just spouting Dan Brown bullshit.)

As far as I know, Mary was the only supposed prositute that Jesus kept company with.
man I'm sure tons of people in Hollywood bat for both teams, Cruise included.

I bet he does bag all the hot chicks, he just sleeps with guys too. My point being he is a rich and famous fag and you're not, get over it.
It's a sad day when people spout media conspiracy to cover their penis envy of someone they think is gay.
Patton said:
As far as I know, Mary was the only supposed prositute that Jesus kept company with.

Then you don't know much.

Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2). The name Magdalene likely indicates that she came from Magdala, a city on the southwest coast of the Sea of Galilee. After Jesus cast seven demons from her, she became one of His followers.

Mary Magdalene has been associated with the "woman in the city who was a sinner" (Luke 7:37) who washed Jesus' feet, but there is no scriptural basis for this. The city of Magdala did have a reputation for prostitution. This information, coupled with the fact that Luke first mentions Mary Magdalene immediately following his account of the sinful woman (Luke 7:36-50), has led some to equate the two women. John 11:2, though, identifies the women in Luke 7:36-50 as Mary of Bethany, not Mary Magdalene.

Mary Magdalene is also often associated with the woman whom Jesus saved from stoning after she had been taken in adultery (John 8:1-11) - again an association with no evidence. The movie “The Passion of the Christ” made this connection. This view is possible, but not explicitly taught in the Bible.
the reason newspapers don't print stories about tom cruise being gay is because he likes to sue. he has done it in the past. they aren't protecting him.
Fool said:
It's a sad day when people spout media conspiracy to cover their penis envy of someone they think is gay.

Lol. I wish I was doing this because of penis envy, but I frankly just found it interesting. My uncle had no reason to lie to me. I see him once or twice a year at most.
Jacabo said:
the reason newspapers don't print stories about tom cruise being gay is because he likes to sue. he has done it in the past. they aren't protecting him.

Definite possibility.