[Sleeping] Televisions [and sleeping]

No TV in the bedroom, for many reasons, but no sex is a new one. It keeps you up late, fucks with your sleep schedules (many studies on this), and I would rather read a book to help fall asleep. But I read a lot, and would rather read than watch TV most of the time anyway.

BUT the times that I have been drop dead sick, there is definitely something soothing about falling asleep with a TV on. It might have just been the cough syrup.
I actually didn't bother clicking because it's flimsy and terrible evidence, you might as well be quoting tabloids rather than "conclusive studies" done for the benefit of news stations

bam let's just set the facts straight - you are probably normal, slightly awkward, wouldn't-notice-in-a-crowd and had a small handful of women. I am an international superstar baller. I think it's time you let it go and just accepted your life of mediocrity rather than constantly raging out at the ballers, it's just wasted effort.

Maybe instead use that effort to go get one-dated by a few more girls and hopefully eventually end up with a mediocre looking one who puts up with you for a few months before she can find someone better

it's for the best bro

No TV in the bedroom, for many reasons, but no sex is a new one. It keeps you up late, fucks with your sleep schedules (many studies on this), and I would rather read a book to help fall asleep. But I read a lot, and would rather read than watch TV most of the time anyway.

BUT the times that I have been drop dead sick, there is definitely something soothing about falling asleep with a TV on. It might have just been the cough syrup.

Yeah, I won't try to challenge the fucking up of sleep schedules and whatnot. The reading is good though, I go through spats of doing that, but only when I've got a good book. No decent books lately. :shrug:
obibun can obviously talk the pants off women (it's not hard) but that doesn't make him any less of a pompous insufferable faggot

which is why i dont understand y people object to him

it's quite obvious he's an attention whore and the only way to defeat that type of troll is to ignore it
Never. I record tv shows and watch maybe an hour or 2 a week but never right before bed. Try to avoid the computer too, I read before bed. All my spare bedrooms have tv's, but I don't keep one in the master.
They say having a TV in the bedroom cuts your sex life in half. I'm also worried that I would stay up too late, and would never end up reading before bed.

so that's what al bundy did wrong all those years. he could have cut sex with peg in half by putting a tv upstairs.
bam the awkward loser continues trying to win a point by using the internet because he has no personal experience whatsoever
And we have yet to see you in a picture with your "friends" or the "girls you've banged" that aren't like 6 years old.

Hey man, I don't claim to fuck 10s or anything, but I at least showed pictures with myself and the girl.

Also, you need to put down the Neil Strauss attitude because everyone knows his tricks.
I used to have the TV on NBC all night when it was Leno/Conan/whatshisname/Leno{repeat}/Conan{repeat}, followed by the news. When they started showing poker games, for some reason the sound of poker chips wakes me up in a pissed off mood, so I switched to comedy central for overnight white noise. Then that male enhancement infomercial started waking me up and pissing me off, so now I tune to Adult Swim overnight.
i have never met a woman that enjoyed a TV on while trying to go to bed.

they have retarded brains, easily amused and can fall asleep in seconds.

for many men, this is damn near impossible to accomplish due to work, family, living, retirement.. etc. the list goes on and on.

so yes, in many ways, having the TV on will piss the wife off to the point where you wont score any. just another thing to think of while trying to fall asleep.
i'm not gay or anything but i would prob let obibun suck my dick because he reminds me of a woman on the internet
I used to have the TV on NBC all night when it was Leno/Conan/whatshisname/Leno{repeat}/Conan{repeat}, followed by the news. When they started showing poker games, for some reason the sound of poker chips wakes me up in a pissed off mood, so I switched to comedy central for overnight white noise. Then that male enhancement infomercial started waking me up and pissing me off, so now I tune to Adult Swim overnight.

yeah I'm pretty choosy

these days I tune into Teletoon, which is a cartoon channel, but after 9pm it's kind of the Canadian version of Adult Swim. Family Guy / American Dad / Futurama / King of the Hill / Robot Chicken

the only problem is that when I wake up in the morning I'm confronted with shitty kid's programming (my remote doesn't have a sleep function that works :( )

And we have yet to see you in a picture with your "friends" or the "girls you've banged" that aren't like 6 years old.

Hey man, I don't claim to fuck 10s or anything, but I at least showed pictures with myself and the girl.

Also, you need to put down the Neil Strauss attitude because everyone knows his tricks.

bam is such a nerdy awkward loser and the jealousy is palpable
back when i worked 3rd shift i had this small fan that i clipped to my head board. 6 years later and i still run this thing even in the winter. something about the sound of it makes me fall asleep.
usually when i start to doze off while watching something ill head to bed. although i do like to put on a good comedy on the ipad and fall asleep to that on occasion