[Sleeping] Televisions [and sleeping]

4 hour sleep, 8 hour awake, for 2 12 hour days in a day?

i did that for months

i've done it a lot when im subconsiously depressed/getting over a bad break up/whatever that shit is called

and i began doing it while in mexico
You cannot see your reflection in running water. It is only when it has been stilled that we can see ourselves.
They say having a TV in the bedroom cuts your sex life in half. I'm also worried that I would stay up too late, and would never end up reading before bed.
tv + sleep timer = greatest way to fall asleep

yeah this is exactly what I think

They say having a TV in the bedroom cuts your sex life in half. I'm also worried that I would stay up too late, and would never end up reading before bed.

I don't know who "they" is but "they" are wrong. having a TV in bed allows you to get down to boning, then chill and watch TV, bone some more, watch a movie, bone, etc.

I've spent nearly entire days in bed with women before
I don't know who "they" is but "they" are wrong. having a TV in bed allows you to get down to boning, then chill and watch TV, bone some more, watch a movie, bone, etc.

I've spent nearly entire days in bed with women before

Nevermind the facts from the study that found that a couple's sex life was cut in half if there was a TV in their bedroom.
Southern California's news leader - TV In Bedroom, Problems For Your Sex Life 1/17/06 | abc7.com

You seriously are a total fucking loser.
sorry if my vast experience with sex means I have to set awkward nerdy people to rights whenever they talk about it

if I was a mathematician and in every thread there was some dude going hurrr durrr 2 x 5 is 12, dudes would you be harping on me for correcting him, no

I just get harped on here because jealous nerds can't handle getting cold hard facts from somebody who sleeps with more women than them

Nevermind the facts from the study that found that a couple's sex life was cut in half if there was a TV in their bedroom.
Southern California's news leader - TV In Bedroom, Problems For Your Sex Life 1/17/06 | abc7.com

yeah okay local news :lol:

although I will concede that having a TV in the bedroom allows women an excuse to not sleep with their pathetic awkward boyfriends/husbands any more than is strictly necessary, because they can pretend like they want to watch TV instead
If you would notice the story was from Reuters and just posted by that local company, but you're too fucking stupid to see that.