[Sleeping] Televisions [and sleeping]


Veteran XV
How many people here like to fall asleep with the television on?

I myself enjoy falling asleep to the reassuring lullabies of late night TV programming.

Otherwise without the TV I find it way too quiet and dark.

I don't like the television on when I fall asleep. My hearing gets super sensitive just before I doze off.
admit it you just like falling asleep to the 1-900 number ads with the pretty girl voices. so you can dream about them and then post on here about some hot chick you had sex with. even if it was only in your dreams.
i used to do this, and still do on occasion, but i've found lately if i fall asleep with the tv off i have some really vivid and crazy dreams that i can remember when i wake up, whereas with the tv on i don't remember dreaming at all.
The only time i like falling asleep with the TV on is when I'm just miserably sick and i don't want to leave the couch, let alone move my arm the 5 inches to grab the remote and shut it off.
also, i fall asleep with the tv on very rarely

only if im reeeaaaally tired. maybe 3 times a year.
otherwise it just keeps me up
gimme darkness and a ceiling fan on medium or high
i have to fall asleep to either the sound on the tv or a fan. if i go camping, i need to be near running water or, its almost impossible for me to sleep.

unless i get totally drunk then, i can just pass out.

that being said, when i do fall to sleep while watching/listening to the TV, i set the timer for 90minutes that way i dont wake up at 3am to "BILLY FUCKING MAYES HERE BITCH!!"
Can't fall a sleep with music or tv.
On another note, I've never slept through a movie in my life. No matter how bad it was.
I don't have a TV in my bedroom because I don't want the temptation of leaving it on

it's too easy to stay up just flipping through all the crap, makes it hard to sleep