[RIP] Mangina 1985-2008


I think that about covers it.

Last conversation I had with Mangina ended with him saying :

Oh and why do girls have to make guys out to be assholes just so it makes it easier to break up with them. Seems like a really shitty thing to do. All of a sudden you're a bad person lol.

June 23 at 5:11am
Thing is, I never cheated and never would. I really wasn't guilty of anything deserving those titles I was called. Just bothered me that she had to make up reasons to justify the breakup in her own mind, don't know how someone can do that. KABLAMMMM!

Fixed -

PS Viewing? For a guy that Cobained his head in? WTF kind of head snapping JFK shit is that? Holy headshot that would be sick. To see some dude laying in a coffin with blood still spurting from his neck hole onto a nice silk pillow. Maybe clutching a black lily or something in his hands.

It would be cool if his soul jumped out of the hole and started ass raping everyone going NAHH NAAH NAAHHH FUCKERS! I'm fucking dead now! You can't stop me! Hummuna hummuna hummuna

People would be screaming and yelling "Get it off me get it off me OUUCCH!" Some usher would run for the holy water and try to throw it on him and he'd be like "AHHHH HAAA HAAAA that's like AXE for souls!", and then a bunch of soul chicks would show up in a soul mobile and the REAL party would begin. Fuck all this Earth shit and the pain of being alive. Man, when you are a soul there is no pain. Only bliss and wonder, baby.

That would be cool.
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During the funeral for his mother, my friend took a loud shit when she sat up in the coffin while the preacher was droning on.
I rode to UVA6 with flex (aka mangina), and hung out with him a few times in toronto. he was a good kid.
was he known as Flex in Tribes2? And from what kMz. posted from his facebook he sounds hella emo. RIP.
The Seventh Circle, Ring 2 isn't bad. If you can avoid a buttfucking from the Minotaur and get your dick into a harpie you are gold. Although finding which branch your dick is hanging on and learning to control it is a challenge for noobs.
I only recently became christian so I dont know the Bible front to back, but so far from the 4 gospels I have read, I havent seen a direct mention of that.