[RIP] Mangina 1985-2008

i have had prolonged bouts with some debilitating stuff. you literally feel like you're in a bubble. sometimes you don't see and hear things that are right there. it's not black and white obviously. everyone is different and normally the very worst stuff only comes in waves. the effects of feeling so isolated can start to wear on you though after a while. when you're interacting with other people all day and cant feel a connection, or cant feel anything, its awful.
To be honest, we should all mourn another dead soul, but to actually be sorry for the guy? Fuck that shit, that nigger was a coward. Don't make this pussy out to be a martyr this nigger was a straight up bitch.

omg :rofl:
i have had prolonged bouts with some debilitating stuff. you literally feel like you're in a bubble. sometimes you don't see and hear things that are right there. it's not black and white obviously. everyone is different and normally the very worst stuff only comes in waves. the effects of feeling so isolated can start to wear on you though after a while. when you're interacting with other people all day and cant feel a connection, or cant feel anything, its awful.

Yeah, and I hated those times when you like.... have to remember to breathe.
most severe depression is NOT centered around some solitary issue that needs to be dealt with. a lot of it is chemical and/or situational. it can even be affected by diet. laying in your bed worrying about something is a lot different than leading a healthy, active, and successful life and still feeling no sense of joy in anything (true of many clinically depressed).
I dunno. I had a nasty breakup with a girl that later effected other aspects of my life like school, work and other social dynamics. I pretty much stayed in bed and withdrew from everyone. But after a few months of doing that, you know what? I got some fucking balls and started to try and improve every aspect of my life starting with the little things like hanging out with friends, meeting new people, working a better part time job, doing the best I could in school. And you know what, a few months later I was a better person.

So fuck you niggers saying that depression is so debilitating and sympathizing with this fag. Tell some war vets with missing limbs and scarred faces that depression is making you want to commit suicide you fucking liberal emo pussies and see what happens.

I bet magina got depressed because he got a C in Nigger studies and his gf of 7 days fucked a black guy. Boo fucking Hoo. Call the wahbulance we got DOA.
honestly, what did you expect, you should have handled this with PM's to the people you know who might be interested

If you don't want something to get shit on, don't throw it in the toilet

Are you kidding Yankee? Comeon.

I don't really know Mangina but I've bought few things from him on the classifieds and had few nice chats with him. Nice guy and my heard is out to his family and friends. We've all said one thing to another on this forums and I think this thread's intention is more than appropriate.
If he was clinically depressed due to chemical imbalances, how about go to the fucking doctor.

If you get syphillis you dont whine about it on your emo blog and eventually off yourself with a shotty, you go to the goddamn doctor.
im not sympathizing with him you dense moron. if anything my point is that i and many other people have dealt with a lot of shit and many people have dealt with much worse than he ever had to I am sure, yet they didnt give up and most of them are happy for it.

he should have jumped off a bridge so on the way down he could go "oshit wait i messed up, maybe things will get better" then he can rot in hell.
Last conversation I had with Mangina ended with him saying :

Oh and why do girls have to make guys out to be assholes just so it makes it easier to break up with them. Seems like a really shitty thing to do. All of a sudden you're a bad person lol.

June 23 at 5:11am
Thing is, I never cheated and never would. I really wasn't guilty of anything deserving those titles I was called. Just bothered me that she had to make up reasons to justify the breakup in her own mind, don't know how someone can do that.

And I did call the funeral home, and pretended I didn't know the viewing service hours. I asked : "What are the viewing service and funeral times for Taylor D***** ?" And the guy answered exactly what I got in the facebook message.