[RIP] Mangina 1985-2008

if he killed himself then fuck him. selfish dumbshit.

a good friend of mine offed himself eleven months ago because he was drunk and depressed and had access to a gun. no one knew about the gun, few knew about the depression (i didnt even know--he seemed like the most confident guy in the world honestly) he had a great future ahead of him, like extremely great, and he offed himself.

i am and always will be extremely pissed off at him.
yeah fuck that guy for not telling anyone he was going to kill himself

now everyone else has to be mad he didn't tell anyone about depression and he gets away with just being dead

what a prick
im fairly sure thats a beer in his left hand

i could never put my family/friends through something like that.
im fairly sure thats a beer in his left hand

i could never put my family/friends through something like that.

Oh, so it was a mistake, he thought he was putting a beer in his mouth to drink it, when in fact it was a gun.
Mangina kills himself with a shotgun!

I never understood people with depression. People make it out to be this terrible disease almost akin to having the herps, but I've had depression and I am sure plenty of people around here have too. Its not that bad and once you realize your depression and actively take steps to improve your condition, its nothing.

To be honest, we should all mourn another dead soul, but to actually be sorry for the guy? Fuck that shit, that nigger was a coward. Don't make this pussy out to be a martyr this nigger was a straight up bitch.
so did anyone confirm it was suicide
or are we all assuming that cuz he had a picture of a shotgun in his myspace profile
My impressions of Mangina when he played tribes was that he was a shitty tribes player and a douche bag.

But that's just my opinion.
No shit depression sucks, Ive gone through it too, but if all you do is lay and bed and mope about it, nothing changes. You have to actively change your life around the issue you are depressed about or you are fucked.

I dont know the whole story but to me this guy just moped around, cried a little, then dide. Boo hoo, 2 pussy 2 do shit.