plz submit this weeks ngfm quotes

Black men know the code, they don't marry even if the chick gets knocked up. The chicks have multiple kids from different fathers. This is not your problem. The free stuff from the government helps, but it's not enough to make them like white people. So they'll date people like you trying to come into our world.
Plasmatic said:
NoGodForMe said:
Of coarse, they were being bullies, and now they're going to play the victim card as the internet reacts. Whooa as me, we didn't mean it. And don't mess with the black dude, or the race card will come out.

:rofl: gg ngfm
ngfm said:
Of coarse they're normal. They do the same things white people do. They live in condos, have a car, work an office job (mine was a secretary), like to go out (with white people), vacations, etc. Mine didn't have a kid, but a fu fu dog.
I've been trying to keep them to twitter length, but this one I just can't cut up.

Yep, with lawyers involved. I don't know why gay people are so into getting officially married, flawed programming in the matrix. Yes, they get to sponge off gubiment, but I don't think it's worth the risk when things go bad. At least they won't have as many kids unless they all start adopting. So when they divorce, it's basically split everything in half and move on to another butt hole or carpet.
Once a cop confronts (in America), bad things happen to the other person. Could argue for a less lethal weapon like the taser, in addition to having a gun. Cops never back down. They've recently stopped chasing in cars (to save innocent lives) but in person, once they confront, they arrest, shoot, or take the person to the ground.

If that cop was fearing for his life, he could have backed away from the car like he had just pulled up on the scene, but no, he drew his gun and started shooting.