[OFFICIAL] The USA have the biggest fucking imbecile for President

What you, the fucktard fails to understand is that our country doesn't give a fuck. You can't ask for change and pin the burden on a couple of countries just because they aren't in the dark ages anymore. Fuck off

Yeah, why change shit? That's scary, right? Fuck it. Let's turn medieval and let people die by getting a flu :lol: :flag:
the over 1 billion we've already sent them is too much as far as i'm concerned.

You make it sound like these are handouts, and they aren't.

The United States SOLICITS other countries so that we can provide them provisional aid. The USA needs to have air force bases and forts in other countries in the world, and the USA needs to have as much access to their intelligence as it can. The USA provides very little unconditional aid, even when a country has a national disaster. The aid America provides always comes with terms.

You sound like a hitman for the local mafia boss loanshark, "He's doing you a FAVOR."
Don't criticize China for now on ;)


What you, the fucktard fails to understand is that our country doesn't give a fuck. You can't ask for change and pin the burden on a couple of countries just because they aren't in the dark ages anymore. Fuck off

Yeah, USA and Syria leading the world in telling people climate change is a hoax. Send us a postcard.
You make it sound like these are handouts, and they aren't.

The United States SOLICITS other countries so that we can provide them provisional aid. The USA needs to have air force bases and forts in other countries in the world, and the USA needs to have as much access to their intelligence as it can. The USA provides very little unconditional aid, even when a country has a national disaster. The aid America provides always comes with terms.

You sound like a hitman for the local mafia boss loanshark, "He's doing you a FAVOR."

yes it does

be it militarily or this it is all the same

all about supporting an industry

think u will enjoy the above video if you haven't seen it already

whether we should be encouraging or discouraging this is a good debate imo
You make it sound like these are handouts, and they aren't.

The United States SOLICITS other countries so that we can provide them provisional aid. The USA needs to have air force bases and forts in other countries in the world, and the USA needs to have as much access to their intelligence as it can. The USA provides very little unconditional aid, even when a country has a national disaster. The aid America provides always comes with terms.

You sound like a hitman for the local mafia boss loanshark, "He's doing you a FAVOR."

can u give us a list of the concessions other countries had to make to get us $$ for paris climate accord?

no u can't fake news u just make it up as u go along
Germane question. I haven't, I've just been trusting scientists. If you have a link, post it. If not, I will find one.
I'm not sure if this is the most up-to-date version, but after today it's been pretty hard to find the document.


I'm all for improving the pollution situation, but I don't think absolving "developing countries" (China, India, etc) of the requirements, or the in the case of Article 4, allowing them an exuberant amount of time is the correct manner.

I also don't approve of Article 9 in whence the "developed countries" (USA) must provide extenuating resources to those "developing countries."

Tesla can suck a fuck with his government subsidies and inability to turn a profit. And I would love to see the US pull their military stature out of tons of countries and watch them crumble.
ban anubis

 for reckless ofn 
There you go being all recklessly edgy and all shitting on a 'pre approved' target, that's another step on ur way too alphaland bro :rocker:

Also, fucking sand niggers.

It's not even worth debating climate change anymore. Clean energy will soon be cheaper than fossil fuels.

Coal is already too expensive compared to natural gas. In small chunks of the world, solar is already more cost efficient than fossils. You can remove all environmental protections, and clean energy will still win out within 10 years. And within 20 years from now, I'm confident we'll solve many of the scaling and reliability issues of clean energy, and within 30 years I believe we can be at 90+% clean energy.

Solar wins out only when the infrastructure to distribute electricity isn't built.

It is unlikely to change, ever.
I understand why you cucks are so fucking sour.. I imagine all the rage yall must feel at night, after hearing and reading comments and mock on your tiny handy lil fat pig hero, all day long.. Dang :jester:
seriously anubis what the fuck is wrong with you

what horrible thing has happened in ur life to make u like this

edit: portugal has a lower gdp than fucking greece bro how much weight does ur spastic spergsplosion really carry
How many people in this thread actually read the agreement? jw

I've read the agreement. If you've actually read it you'll realize 90% of what people are saying about it isn't even spelled out in the document. The agreement itself is extremely vague and doesn't specify anything specific regarding any particular country.


From what I"m told, all the specifics people keep citing come from side agreements listed in wikileaks.