nVidia GeForce 1080

Dang, they put DP1.4 on that bitch. That means it can handle three 144hz 4k monitors.
i've had a 970 for about 2 years. got my money's worth.

but a card that is equal to 2 980s for < $600?

since one 980 is about 500, sold.
The 900 series card can't 4k @ more than 60Hz, but more than likely you're only @ 30Hz.
AMDs answer, as always, will be more transisters of inferior tech, with a small generator to power them and crygenic facility to cool it, along with software that sorta mostly works at least half the time.

I'm not an Nvidia fanboy or anything, and I would dearly love for AMD to get back up again, but they haven't been competitive (even in the budget market) for a lot of years now..
From my understanding, AMD has actually been destroying nVidia in the DirectX 12 department (see http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/...ly-win-for-amd-and-disappointment-for-nvidia/ and http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/2...distinct-split-between-amd-nvidia-performance ). AMD played the long game with their architecture and once DX12 hit there was a large gap between nVidia and AMD cards (the only catch being there isn't a lot of DX12 games).

If nVidia's performance graphs are a strict DX12 comparison then of course it will blow their other cards out of the water because their past cards had zero performance gain and even struggled with DX12, especially at 4k resolution.
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Dang, they put DP1.4 on that bitch. That means it can handle three 144hz 4k monitors.

That was a big surprise for me. DP 1.3 standards came out a couple of years ago and everyone thought that the 1070/1080 would include it, since everything uses 1.2 right now. Instead, they ended up supporting both DP 1.3 and 1.4 standards, which was just published a couple of months ago. Pretty awesome job by Nvidia. 144hz 4k is now a reality. This card is as future-proof as it gets.
1070/1080 are good cards, if you are below a 680 it's probably time to upgrade. Wait for independent reviews and benchmarks, though.
I'll wait for the aftermarket cards with better cooling and overclocking ability. The efficiency of this card sounds too good to be true, "67 degrees under load."
These cards won't be available until fall anyway. There're never able to keep up with demand the first few months (and prices always skyrocket).

I'll buy whichever one can be water cooled (probably the reference). :weird:
From my understanding, AMD has actually been destroying nVidia in the DirectX 12 department (see http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/...ly-win-for-amd-and-disappointment-for-nvidia/ and http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/2...distinct-split-between-amd-nvidia-performance ). AMD played the long game with their architecture and once DX12 hit there was a large gap between nVidia and AMD cards (the only catch being there isn't a lot of DX12 games).

If nVidia's performance graphs are a strict DX12 comparison then of course it will blow their other cards out of the water because their past cards had zero performance gain and even struggled with DX12, especially at 4k resolution.

Another way to look at it though, is that Nvidia have been more focused on getting their shit working right with DX11. It's more a happy co-incidence that the way AMD was doing things turns out to work a lot better in DX12 than 11. Considering that DX12 is brand new and still has essentially no titles worth caring about, that's no big thing. I don't know whether it's hardware bound or whether Nvidia could do some fancy footwork in software, but I'd expect that as DX12 grows, they'll be more focused on optimising for that platform.

AMD certainly have a lead at this point (pre-1000 series, that is), but I wouldn't bank on it lasting any significant length of time once DX12 starts taking off.
Honestly I won't trust anything until I see legit benchmarks. The 1080 is also only using the mid-end chip. The 1080ti or whatever will use the top-end chip. Curious as to when that'll be out. :weird:
AMDs answer, as always, will be more transisters of inferior tech, with a small generator to power them and crygenic facility to cool it, along with software that sorta mostly works at least half the time.

The 7970 line came out years ago and is still one of the top performers. I've never had a driver issue with AMD. Fuck off useless cunt.
I like AMD fine but their shit always runs so hot, my computer area is warm enough without a Radeon space heater
I'll wait for the aftermarket cards with better cooling and overclocking ability. The efficiency of this card sounds too good to be true, "67 degrees under load."

I dunno, my 970 runs pretty cool and there is a significant die shrink associated with the Pascal chips; I can totally believe that they're more efficient than Maxwell.
I have been so out of the video card stuff. I have a 550 TI ..

So whats the general consensus for a video card to get next? "GTX 1070 will be $370, launches in june." - that one?