NGFM Vegas help pls

i've never been to vegas but i can tell you that it isnt hard to have fun there.

maybe you should have went to Silver Dollar City
The Cosmopolitan is worth mentioning, as it's "the place to be" at the moment. Marquee Nightclub is absolutely insane. I thought someone was playing a joke on me when I passed about 30 hot chicks on their way to get in line. For a cheap meal there, ask where the pizza place is (you won't find it on your own, but it's on the 3rd floor), it's really good pizza, it has no name, and it's in a dark hallway off to the side.
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note: any hot girl will be a bitchy snooty fuck, unless she's a hooker, or you have a bottle/table/lots of money
even if you're charming hot and funny, or around those types of people, they suck

fuck girls in la/vegas man
unless youre terrible at video poker you arent going to lose 5 in the time in takes to get drunk if you just played instead of trying to bribe the bartender. house edge is only like 52% so just play and take the free drinks. bonus is feeling a lot less scummy

Go to a sportsbook and bet both sides of the same game and get your drink tickets - easier and probably about the same vig.
try that pizza place, its super unknown but super good. it has no signs or anything, it's standing room only and the whole place is probably 15'x15'
note: any hot girl will be a bitchy snooty fuck, unless she's a hooker, or you have a bottle/table/lots of money
even if you're charming hot and funny, or around those types of people, they suck

fuck girls in la/vegas man

LA girls don't suck! It's not hard to find cool ones most of the time. But if you go to a more formal place, they'll definitely suck.
Ended up at the cosmopolitan last night, it was pretty awesome. Met some canadians and had a massive night, cant remember a lot of the night. Hitting up the pinball museum today, ill check out the pizza place tonight too.

Yeah im here solo. Just finished a trip around Yosamite, Zion, GC etc taking photos which i enjoy doing on my own. Vegas is just a stop off before i fly back to Africa. Can't say i have had any trouble meeting people here.
Girls at clubs anywhere will suck, though. Once they walk through the door, girls somehow formulate this false sense of superiority and snobbishness.
clubs/bars really in la/vegas

girls in austin are just...
just come fucking visit
you'll see

or ask prop
I don't go to clubs anywhere, even in my hometown of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania because of the same reasoning of stuck up bitchez. And those girls are living in ... Bethlehem .. Pennsylvania.
buy some mushrooms

then go clubbing/to bars

based on the fact that you were in vegas at 2 am posting on TW, i'm going to guess you don't have the balls for either though.


Girls at bars are fine and easy to talk to out here. I don't remember a night that I've gone out in a long, long time without meeting new people and talking to them throughout the night.

Where the F did you go out in LA, GuhOcean!?
Thanks for checking in.

Vegas is good for 3-4 days. Ok, so you're staying up late and sleeping in. That means the casinos will be crowded. If you want to play the drink game, it's gonna be harder. You'll have to look around and know when the cocktail waitress is coming to your area. Otherwise they'll say "Cocktails?" and keep walking. It can be done but the service is slower since they're serving more people.

Ok, so tonight you're going to the pizza place, cool. Buy the booze, bring the food back to your room, and get sloshed. Don't drive the car once you start drinking. Keep the plastic bags from the liquor store and use it as a cooler you can walk with. Yeah, it will drip water so use 2 bags. Put a six pack of beers and ice in there, walk the casinos. Or you can get a beer at the news stand store of each casino, they're usually located near the elevators. It's a tiny store with snack items, wine, and beer. You'll pay less at the liquor store.

If you think you're going to a club, buy the tiny shot bottles to sneak in. Barcardi Limon works good because you can mix it with coke. You can usually fit 2 in each pocket if you're wearing docker pants, and that's 4 drinks.
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Downtown Vegas has a much more laid back vibe than the the strip. Your chances of picking up women are much higher, if you aren't the typical club type. I'm talking Fremont and the East side of LV Blvd, by Gryphon/Beauty Bar/Insert Coins. If you've never gone Downtown on a Vegas trip and clubs aren't your thing, this is where you need to go. Everything is cheaper as well, but obviously not as nice as a Cosmo/Wynn.