[NFL] 2019 Regular Season - Postseason Too!

Why would any #1 QB ever sign with Cleveland? Baker would have been better served to sit out. He’s probably ruined now.
my idiot friend said he could get a bet 43-1 odds that 49ers win the super bowl before the season started. I said fuck yea we each put in a $100, he actually got 23-1 and tbh I was pretty pissed when he said he could get 43-1. These MFers need to stay healthy
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Weird. It's almost as if the Pats had been playing garbage all year and the teams greatness was being blown out of proportion...
Belicheck is running the defense. Someone else is calling the plays on offense. It means a team with a good O line that can run, and a running QB can do good. Plus they had a good pass rush which is the key to stopping Brady. The problem for The Ravens, is if the QB gets injured.
lamar jackson meeting tom brady after the game:
