[NFL] 2019 Regular Season - Postseason Too!

let me tell u guys a v sad story

once upon a time there was a young bunny rabbit who was guided by lasers

this high-tech rodent was participating in a fantasy league w a number of his irl frens

this particular league was a 2 qb league. the young bunny had derek carr and jared goff as his two starters, having rid himself long ago of baker mayfield and trading kyler murray for some help at TE + WR. his backup QB? danny jones. the rabbit gambles.

as this week turned out, the fluffy instrument of death had vanquished his opponent handily but he had the chance to win the league with the highest score of the week. in fact, all he needed was 13 points from daniel "im not eli" jones, who was projected a healthy 17 against the cowboys.

as the game progressed, it became clear that daniel would not reach the 17 projected points but wait - what's this? a last minute drive? daniel has 10 points now, its the end of the 4th quarter... can he sneak in another 3 points for young lagber to lay claim to the crown for the week?



he's done it

sarcasticks best friend made his 13 thanks to his backup rookie qb and now sits atop the throne of fantasy football for the week. all others bow before his wisdom in choosing one of the guys from dumb and dumber as his backup.



it can't be!

he fumbled!

the cowboys have run it for a touchdown!

daniel jones sacrifices 3 of his fantasy points to the god of turnovers. allah ackbar!

dejected, the carrot-eating death machine has finished second for the week, down by a mere 2 points.

pls pray 4 the bunny's sanity
If we won I'm allowed to bitch about the refs right?

Is officiating worse or cameras better? Or has everyone including spectators gotten more anal?

All the cameras definitely don't help the refs, as we can see pretty much every angle in slow motion a few seconds after it happens live. Add to that the NFL rule book has become bloated and hard to officiate in real time. Refs are horribly inconsistent not just from crew to crew but from play to play. I think fans have become more anal about it because nothing is ever done, just more bullshit.
I don't like how no calls are going right now in terms of PI and holding. Way too much contact down the field. If that's what the owners want then redo the rule but to just not call it is silly. Also, as the pictures above show, they do not call roughing on black qbs like they do on white ones. Cam Newton gets the same no calls and it's dumb. You look at Brady wrong and it's an autoflag.
the only clear penalty i see in zoo's pic is the facemask (they missed at least 3 in CHI/DET). middle pic looks like a sack but i don't know what happened on the play. what is the bottom left? wahh the defender went for the ball?

that's not to say i think the officiating has been good. for fuck's sake nobody gives a flying fuck about the pride of referees. make them overpaid flagthrowers and let someone with the camera angles call flags from a booth
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the only clear penalty i see in zoo's pic is the facemask (they missed at least 3 in CHI/DET). middle pic looks like a sack but i don't know what happened on the play. what is the bottom left? wahh the defender went for the ball?

that's not to say i think the officiating has been good. for fuck's sake nobody gives a flying fuck about the pride of referees. make them overpaid flagthrowers and let someone with the camera angles call flags from a booth

Great game

Top right was a crap play for SF so it worked to Seattles advantage.

Think center was a slide and they don't call nearly as much on that anymore. You have to get drilled.

Bottom left is good pass D.

Bottom right was a total miss by the refs if I'm thinking of the right play.
I don't like how no calls are going right now in terms of PI and holding. Way too much contact down the field. If that's what the owners want then redo the rule but to just not call it is silly. Also, as the pictures above show, they do not call roughing on black qbs like they do on white ones. Cam Newton gets the same no calls and it's dumb. You look at Brady wrong and it's an autoflag.

PI is getting worse. Defense getting that attitude of make refs call it over and over and over - they will eventually not want to slow the game down. Really pisses me off that it gets dramatically worse in playoffs.

Seen Cam take some big hit no calls -

running QB + huge dude + being a Dbag = no calls

3/4 of the guys on the field are black, I don't think the refs give a crap about race

Big Ben has definitely taken plenty of big hit no calls. Big dudes that scramble are going to be SOL a lot.
kaep gonna get at least 2 or 3 offers at league minimum n hes gonna turn em down and say theyre racist for not giving him top 3 starting qb money even tho he had 1 good season in a 6 year career and his last 2 seasons he went 3-16, threw a dozen picks and dropped the ball half the times he had it
They need pylon cameras at the 1st down markers. They have a camera in a cart that moves up and down the field, but often the camera is not lined up with the 1st down spot. Same thing with the overhead camera. It can get an image of the play from above, but often times you can't see the ball. It's almost like they need to put a transmitter in the football that can send an outline of the ball so we can see exactly where it's located on the field including direction. That way 1st down markings and spotting the ball could be instant. It would cost a lot of money and be a technical challenge, because they go through many footballs during a game.

PI is a problem because it's a judgement call that has a huge effect on the game. It's a stupid rule when you think about it. Defender has 5 yards to bump, yet they hand check down the entire play, don't look at the ball, wave hands, turn around at the last second, and it's not called. Most of the time, the calls even out, but that New Orleans non call was bad.

It's like for playoff games, they need another official on each sideline doing nothing but watching the ball for PI, or a booth review, but that would slow down the game.
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Seen Cam take some big hit no calls -

running QB + huge dude + being a Dbag = no calls

3/4 of the guys on the field are black, I don't think the refs give a crap about race

Big Ben has definitely taken plenty of big hit no calls. Big dudes that scramble are going to be SOL a lot.

This is very true, Gronk used to get raped all the time with no calls. Is what it is.

As far as QBs becoming running backs, it’s always going to be a short career. It’s great first year or two. Look at Mahomes already. Lamar won’t last 3 years
kaep gonna get at least 2 or 3 offers at league minimum n hes gonna turn em down and say theyre racist for not giving him top 3 starting qb money even tho he had 1 good season in a 6 year career and his last 2 seasons he went 3-16, threw a dozen picks and dropped the ball half the times he had it

he wont get any offers. this workout is a failed doganpony show for the nfl to pad their case against further litigation.

fyi kaepernick is comparable/better to jimmy